Thursday News Stuff
Joe McNally’s Work Featured in National Geographic
Joe’s been covering assignments for National Geographic magazine for many years now, and in the July 2010 issue he’s got some amazing photos in their feature story on the 21st Century Electrical Power Grid. There’s a harrowing shot of Joe climbing out onto an electrical tower, from the skid of a helicopter (photo by Drew Gurian), and when you actually see what Joe goes through to “get the shot,” you realize what it takes to be a National Geographic photographer, and Joe has it in spades. You can see some of the images from the spread online, right here. Congrats Joe. Ya done good, kid. ;-)
Tom Bol Baby, Yeah!
Killer Guest Blog yesterday from Tom Bol. One of my readers, Jeremy Proffitt wrote this comment yesterday about Tom’s post. “I think you said it best when you said ”I’ve come to realize non-paying personal projects are equally as important as paying jobs. I need them both to survive and grow as a photographer.” I couldn’t agree more. Just a great job Tom all around. Thanks for sharing your work and wisdom with us all.
There’s a deal goin’ on two of my books over at Borders
Well, it’s not every single Borders store, but “a whole bunch of ’em.” Borders is running a promo for 30% off a small group of book titles, and two of them are mine: The Digital Photography Book, Volume 3, and Photo Recipes Live. The promo runs now through August 15th, and is available through select locations (here’s a link to the store locations that are doing the promotion). Visit a Borders store near you and check it out (provided of course, there is a Borders store near you).
You, and Rob Jones, raised another $1,200 for the Orphanage
With Towner Jones Photography’s gracious donations included, together we raised about $1200 this weekend on the Photo Walk t-Shirt sales, bringing the total raised so far for the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya to around $3,700 (we’ve already raised more than half of what we did all of last year). If you haven’t ordered your official Photo Walk t-shirt yet, here’s the link. Thanks again Rob for having such a big heart for the kids.
World Wide Photo Walk Update
As I write this, we have 905 Walks around the world, and over 18,000 walkers. You gotta join in! Here’s the link.
Facebook “Like” is here
We’ve added Facebook’s new “Like” button to each of my daily posts, so if you see a post you like, share it with other folks by clicking on the Like button. You’ll like it. I’ll like it. It’s a like-like thing.
Forget the Dave Hill Effect…
…and check out Dave Hill, the photographer. It has been a while since I’ve been by his site, and his work just keeps getting better and better, on both the shooting side, and the post production side, and his concepts and execution are brilliant. So, if you haven’t checked him out since the “Dave Hill Effect” craze was in full swing, it’s time to stop by again and enjoy some really amazing photography. Here’s the link.
That’s it for today folks. See ya tomorrow!
Have a great Thursday, and try to stay cool.