Tomorrow’s Special Guest Blogger is…

…my good friend, photographer, and one of the most downright hilarious and genuine guys you’d ever want to meet, NAPP’s Executive Director Larry Becker.

One of my readers posted a comment that they’d like to hear from Larry, and I thought it was a great idea, and invited him that very day. I’ve been friends with, and worked with Larry for years now, and he’s one of the most talented, gifted, and quick-witted guys on the planet, and if you’ve ever seen him host one of our crazy segments during Photoshop World’s “Midnight Madness” you totally know what I mean (his off the cuff lines often have me, and the entire audience, literally falling off of chairs with laughter).

Now, that being said, don’t expect him to do a stand-up routine tomorrow, because he takes stuff like this pretty seriously, but I thought you’d like to hear about another side of the guy who hosts the “NAPP News” show each week. Make sure you stop back tomorrow, and catch his post (and if you’re at Photoshop World this week, stop by and say “hi” to one of my very favorite people).

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