Tuesday News Nuggets (including my pick for Photoshop Book of the Year)
If there is some lingering question in your mind of what’s actually in a “McNugget,” then one can only imagine what’s in a “News Nugget.” Well, imagine no more, friends; here’s a tasty box of Tuesday News Nuggets (now with added nutrients and infused with a hint of magnesium and zinc):
- OK, it’s pretty clear by the reviews, Joe McNally’s written the photography book of the year (which is already going on it’s 2nd printing), but who’s going to write the “Photoshop book of the year?” I’d put my money on Matt Kloskowski’s soon-to-be-released (about two weeks away), new book, “Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop’s Most Powerful Feature” (from Peachpit Press). I’ve seen the book (while it was in its final stages of production), and Matt just plain nailed it! If you’ve been dying to finally really understand layers, and start using them like a pro, Matt’s book will open that door for you in a big way. Get yours first from Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com, or where books you’ve been waiting forever for someone to write are sold. Way to go, big Ski!
- If you are going to Photoshop World this April, my buddy (and maybe tonight on real TV co-host) Dave Cross has come up with a simple, yet incredibly useful PDF to help you plan your custom class schedule. Dave calls it “The Photoshop World Planner” (OK, it’s not the most exciting name, which may explain why Dave isn’t in the marketing dept.). But generic name aside, this thing rocks (and best of all–it’s free). Try it once—love it forever (like Coke Zero, which Dave might well have named “Coca Cola With No Calories”). Find it over at Dave Cross’s blog, which is called (Come on, you can guess this one), that’s right–Dave Cross Online (here’s the link).
- A brand new resource for Fine Art photography has just launched called Fine Art PhotoBlog, and it includes a gallery of fine art work from a host of well known photographers. Some really beautiful images there—definitely worth checking out (here’s the link to their press release, which includes a link to their site).
- Joe McNally has now joined the ranks of the “Sleepless Zombie Club” as last week he launched a daily blog. People all already talking (and he’s already costing me money, because I really like his shooting tethered accessory listing—I’ve got to have it. Don’t tell my wife—she never shoot’s thethered, so she won’t understand). Here’s the link to Joe’s new blog.
- Lastly, there’s a really excellent article over at David duChemin’s “Pixelated Image” called “You Did That on Purpose!” based on this concept: “If you were to do three things this year that you did not do last year – three things that would impact your craft and the way you do business as a photographer, what would they be?” and he gives you some really thoughtful starting places and ideas. This is a must read (it’s very simple, yet very powerful). Here’s the link. Thanks David, for making us step back and think.
Well folks, it’s a busy week, so I’ve got to run. Have a kick-butt Tuesday, and don’t forget today is “National Take a Pixel to Work Day” (which is observed in several Canadian provinces and in Belton, South Carolina).