Update from the Workshop in Lake Placid
We had a great first day (well, technically it started Sunday night, but today was our first day out shooting). We started with an early morning shoot (it wasn’t really a dawn shoot, that’s this morning, this was an after sunrise shoot in a forrest and at a waterfall.
Shooting in the forrest can really be a challenge (it was for me anyway), because you’re surrounded by all this beauty every where you look around you, but then you raise the camera to your eye and you only see one small part of the big picture, and now it looks busy and messy and just….well….nothing like what you’re seeing with your eyes. Very frustrating, but Moose had some great tips and that helped a lot.
We’ve got a great group of students—really nice folks, and totally engaged. Very serious about learning, and that makes it great for us as instructors. I taught a Photoshop/Lightroom class today and took the class through a start to finish from some of my shots from this morning. After two shoots (morning and near dusk), I don’t have anything I’m real happy with yet, but hey…it’s just day one.
I’m heading down to the bar for a get together with the students, and a couple of portfolio reviews, so I’d better head out. Tomorrow’s Guest Blog Wednesday so I won’t be posting here, but if I get anything I’ll post it over on my Google+ page (link). Have a great Tuesday everybody, and we’ll see you back here on Thursday.