Watch the entire “B&H Photo Lightroom Digital Photography Summit” FREE (courtesy of B&H)
The awesome folks at B&H Photo have just posted four videos covering the ENTIRE full-day Lightroom Digital Photography Summit (the one held in New York City last month to celebrate the launch of Lightroom 5).
This was the all-day event featuring Julieanne Kost, Katrin Eismann, and me, showing the coolest new features in Lightroom 5; lots of Lightroom tips and hidden tricks; and in one session we did a live shoot on stage and I handed the retouching and effects over to Julieanne and Katrin (who did a remarkable job). The day was fun, informative, and it’s all brought to you FREE by our friends at B&H Photo, and the Summit’s official sponsors Adobe Systems and Canon.
Here’s the link to check out the videos from the event.
Thanks to David Brommer and everyone at B&H who worked so hard to make this very cool event happen (and to their video crew for bringing you the rebroadcast), and to everyone who came to the live event itself. Stuff like this only happens at B&H. You guys rock!
Hope everybody has a great Monday
I’m out in Colorado Springs today for my “Shoot like a Pro” tour — next stop: San Antonio August 16th, and Indianapolis on August 21st. Hey, if you’re at my seminar today, make sure you come up and say “hi.” Cheers, -Scott