What I’d Love to See in Lightroom 2.0


This past year I’ve spent a lot of time immersed in learning, using, and teaching Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I traveled around the country with my Lightroom Live Tour and trained literally thousands of Lightroom users in person. Between that tour, my Lightroom hands-on workshops, the magazine, and hearing from readers of my Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers, I’ve gotten more real world, down in the trenches, tell-it-like-it-is feedback of what photographers want to see next in Lightroom than you can imagine.

I love Lightroom—it’s changed my digital workflow forever, and because it’s so important to me (and to so many people I’ve trained this year), I wanted to share the comments and ideas I heard most—including those most-asked-for features and enhancements.

I know Adobe gets a lot of input from high-end power users of Lightroom, but I also want to make sure that they hear from the working wedding photographers from Cincinnati, and the Senior Photographers from Jacksonville, the landscape photographers from Boulder, and the Portrait Photographers from Atlanta who are dealing with a different set of challenges in their daily work. I hear from these folks all the time (these are “my people”), and today I’m carrying their message forward, along with my own “wishlist” of ideas for things I’d love to see included in Lightroom 2.0 as well.

The first batch are the ones people asked me about again and again during my Lightroom Live Tour, so I’ll start with those first, then I’ll go module by module for the rest, so here goes:







Here’s a few I missed in my initial posting this morning, but when I saw your comments I knew they needed to be there, too.

Well, that’s pretty much it. Now, I don’t want you to get too excited, because I don’t have a very good track record of getting anything added to Lightroom (or Photoshop for that matter), so if one or more of these ideas got you jumping up and down, I have no way of knowing if it’s in Adobe’s plans or not (at least at this point), so our only hope is to let Adobe know that’s what you want.

Yell it from the rooftops, because this early in the game we just might have a chance of getting something added, but you’ve got to yell it really loud. Post your favorite ideas here in the comments section and I’ll make sure the Lightroom Product Managers know it’s there (I’ll do yelling for you), and if there’s enough umph behind your plea—hey….ya just never know. :-)

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