Why Isn’t There a Photo Walk In My City?

Here’s our “Week One” update (the official launch was just one week ago):

So far we have 564 walks already planned all around the world. (you can see some of the cities that created walks just this weekend, listed above). What an amazing start!!! Also, a big high-five to everyone who has been kicking in the requested $1 donation to the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya. They’ve never needed your help more, and we’re indebted to you for helping (especially to those who have kicked in $50 to make sure everyone in your local walk was covered — how cool is that!). There’s some very special people out there (you know who you are). :)

So, that’s the update part, but today we’ll be focusing on a question and comment I get any time I mention a new city has come on board with a photo walk, and that question isâ¦

“Why isn’t there a Photo Walk in My City?”

Just so you know; we don’t actually pick the cities where walks are held.  In each case a photographer in that city has graciously volunteered to organize and lead a Photo Walk as part of my Worldwide Photo Walk. They went to the official Website (here’s the link) clicked on the link called “Lead a Walk” and they filled out an application to lead a walk in their city.

These applications are reviewed by the WWPW team and if we determine the applicant has the organizational background to successfully plan and lead a walk, then we approve their walk and they have 72-hours to set up their Photo Walk page and post it so people can join.

How do photographer learn about walks in their city?
If they search on the official Worldwide Photo Walk website, it’ll list cities near them with direct links for more info and to sign up, but for a walk to really be a success, most leaders help spread the word in their local community through social media, camera clubs, photo meet-up groups etc.. Some leaders get the local media involved, and each year we see dozens of news stories, articles, TV coverage and more, so it all makes a difference in getting a great turnout.

I hope that helps clear up some confusion and the idea that we (here at KelbyOne) actually choose the cities. The only city I chose is London because that’s where I’m leading a local walk this year (very excited , too!).

Here’s wishing you lots of happy photo walkers, and my humble thanks to everyone who has already signed up to lead a walk (or has done so for multiple years, as many of you have, and we’re so very grateful that you do). :)

Looking forward to the big day!

All my best,


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