Worldwide Photo Walk Update


Hey gang, just a quick update on where we are on the Worldwide Photo Walk.

Let’s look at the numbers first, cause they’re awesome!

(1) We had 24,338 walkers participate
(2) We had 1,068 walks organized around the world
(3) We have raised (so far), over $24,000+ for the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya (which is more than double what we raised last year. This is a BIG awesome win!! Whoo Hoo!!!)

Thank you to all the leaders who gave their time and expertise; thanks to everybody who joined a walk, and of course a big thank you to everyone who bought a t-shirt or donated to the Orphanage. What a blessing this will be for them (and for you, too!).

Now, some housekeeping stuff:

(1) The deadline to enter the main photo contest is…
Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 12:00 Midnight EDT.

To enter your image (which must have been taken during the official walk), go to the WorldwidePhotoWalk official web site; log-in with your user name and password; then from the top right side of the menu bar select “Your Walk.” Then, on your walk page, go to the Contest Tab (as shown below), and click on the photo contest button (shown circled in red below).

Our contest this year is handled by the folks at ViewBug. They’ll ask you to create a free ViewBug account, and you can submit your one image to the photo competition there.



(2) The deadline for the Leader photo contest is…
…the same as above for the walkers (Sunday, Oct. 16th, 2016); go to the site; log-in with your user name and password, and from the Leader’s Dashboard, in the top menu click on “Photo Walk” and from the pop-down menu choose “Your Photo Walk.” Then click on the Contest tab, and you’ll see a button for “Enter Leader Contest” (as shown above).

That’s it for now. Lots more contests and fun coming up, including the “Video Contest” (with an awesome prize from Canon USA our awesome sponsor — more on this next week), plus the People’s Choice Awards, and the announcement of all the finalists and winners.

Hope you found that helpful. Make sure you stop back tomorrow for a very special guest blog/tribute to one of the true greats in our industry.



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