It’s Pimpy Thursday!

Hey gang, Brad Moore here with a few very quick things for today…

Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers
If you missed our Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers webcast last Thursday with Corey Barker and Scott Kelby — or if you watched it and just loved it beyond belief — it’s now available on Corey does a couple of really cool tutorials including the “Virtual Paint Gun.”

Speaking of Corey’s book, remember that if you order a copy between now and the end of December, you’ll get 3 free grab bag DVDs with your order and Corey will sign your book!

Kelby Training App Sale
We’re currently having a sale on a bunch of our apps. All the details listed right here:

LR3 Presents: $8.99 (10% discount)

CS5 Crash Course: $7.99 (20% discount)

LR3 Crash Course: $7.99 (20% discount)

Scott Kelby’s 10 Essential Lighting Techniques: $4.99 (50% discount)

HDR Crash Course: $4.99 (50% discount)

3D Crash Course: $4.99 (50% discount)
And, lastly for today, make sure you check out David Ziser’s latest course on – Wedding Photography: Photographing Couples

David covers all you need to know about clothing choices, locations, composition, and more!

That’s it for today. Happy holidays!

  1. Corey’s book is back in stock at Amazon yay! Love Amazon’s FREE SHIPPING!

    I ordered from you guys though since I want the signature from the man himself (and I had a 10 dollar coupon burning a hole in my pocket!)

    Happy Holidays – can’t wait to check out the book! You guys are the best!!!

  2. Hey Scott/Brad

    Any chance Jeremy Cowart would bring back his 50% off of Lifefinder for the holiday season? Money was tight the last time it was offered. :-) You guys seem to have a way to get deals for NAPP members!

  3. Hi Scott/Brad   I have read so many conflicting discussions on Adobe RGB vs sRGB on the web.

    What is your take, should I shoot in  Adobe RGB or sRGB ?

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