It’s Pimpy Thursday!

Hey everyone, Brad here with the latest news:

The latest issue of Costco Connection, the magazine for Costco members, features an article called “May All Your Pixels Be Bright” with easy tips for getting better holiday photos written by Scott. You can jump straight to the article to see how to make the most of those holiday family photo ops.  And if you’re a Costco member, keep an eye out for Scott’s Digital Photography Book Books, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 next time you’re in the store.

Dave Cross is bringing his Maximum Photoshop Seminar to the South San Francisco Conference Center this Monday, November 15.  You wouldn’t believe the amount of amazing feedback we’ve been getting about this seminar, so sign up now to see the Canadian Boss in action!

Photoshop World instructor Chris Orwig will be featured on Peachpit’s Photo Club webcast Tuesday at 8 p.m. Eastern.  Chris is an amazing instructor who has a knack for inspiring your creative side, so I can’t wait to hear what he has to say. You can register for the webcast here, and watch previous ones you may have missed. has launched their new and improved website. You can now rent gear for any number of days you want (minimum of 4) instead of weekly, the site is easier to navigate, and, most importantly, they’re continuing to add more products to their inventory! They’re also having their annual gear sale starting Monday, so head on over and take a look.

  1. Thank you to all of our vets out there! America would not be free today without your sacrifices.

    Brad, one side note on this Pimpy Thursday (which is always cool and kick-butt). How does one add an avatar next to their name when posting a comment. Some posters have it and others (like me) don’t. What’s the trick?


  2. Nice article for Scott in the Costco Connection. I think that Costco’s photo lab deserves some credit. I know Mpix is a sponsor but Costco’s quality I have found to be great also. You can download the printer profile for your local Costco and and your color will turn out fine! Their prices are also better. I recently got a 20×30 gallery wrap from Costco (shipping included) for around $80. The same gallery wrap on Mpix is $130. Mpix is a great lab and I’ll continue to use them when they have a service I need but Costco’s quality and pricing are hard to beat!

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