Hi gang — the weekend’s almost here, and that’s reason enough for an awesome little Lightroom tutorial that I hope will make you finally, and hopelessly, fall in love with HDR — yes, that HDR that you hate so much. Don’t worry — I hate that type of HDR, too. We all do. Even small animals hate that type of HDR (except squirrels for some weird reason).
It’s a short little video, but you’ll totally “get” why this type of HDR exists, and why it’s a really great technique to know.
Also (yet totally unrelated), I shared some photos of the new set for “The Grid” at the bottom of this post, so make sure you scroll all the way to the end). :)
Hope you find that helpful, and that it sent some HDR “love” your way.
Hey, if you’re looking for a good Photoshop class to watch this weekend…
May I suggest Dave Cross’s awesome new KelbyOne class on Perfecting Selections. Members are totally loving this class (and if you’re not a member, you can still watch it right now – just take the 10-day free trial and start watching it immediately). Here’s the official trailer:
OK, you’ve got some fun Photoshop learnin’ happening now from Dave this weekend. Hope yours is a great one, and we’ll catch ya back here next week. :)
P.S. Hey, did you catch the all-new set design, graphics, music, mics, and all on ‘The Grid?” Here’s some pics (below) is case you missed out. We went with an “Underground Hacker” look, and we got such great feedback from the live crowd (my guest this week was Rick Sammon). You can watch the entire episode (our blind critique episode) at http://kelbytv.com/thegrid
Hey Scott, have you encountered Ron Haviv as war corespondent? I came across him in a documentary, very powerful, would be a superb guest on The Grid
War photographer Ron Haviv: ‘I won’t die for a photo’
New set looks fantastic!!! Again, always amazed at the content, fresh looks, and energy behind Kelby…thanks for always being a huge source of inspiration.