It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am here as always. This week for this blog I want to write a blog about writing a blog…. You keeping up? Let’s go.
Maintaining a blog as a photographer can be a great way to connect with potential clients, share your knowledge, and promote your photography business. By sharing your work, thoughts, and experiences, you can create a strong online presence and attract people who are interested in your photography. You can also share your knowledge and expertise in a particular area of photography, which can help you to establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract new clients for almost any purpose. Additionally, you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends in photography by reading other blogs and following industry news (or writing about news specific to your niche.) This can help you to improve your own photography and stay ahead of the competition. You can use your blog to promote your photography business by sharing your work, offering discounts, and running contests. This can help you to attract new clients and grow your business. But what makes a good blog post? Luckily for you, I’m happy to share and I’ve been doing this for a while. Here are the components that make up a great blog post: –
Catchy Title
It’s important to hook people in. There’s a lot of clutter out on the internet and a short, punchy title will intrigue and invite. Using a subtitle is also a good tactic, expanding on the main title and delivering a promise or an explanation of what to expect inside.
Once people are in we need to retain their attention. The first paragraph is all about convincing people they made a good choice and they should read on. Maybe a little humour, a promise that acts as a hook, or a question should be a part of your first paragraph. We can’t make this too long and lose peoples interest. Once they get past this part, they’re invested!
The Big Promise
This one relates equally to tutorials and videos – state the #1 takeaway. Tell the audience what they’re going to get out of this and why it’s worth their time reading your blog.
A lot of text isn’t great. A good length for a blog post is 500-1000 words. It’s short enough that people are likely to get to the end, but long enough to keep them engaged. Text that long will benefit from being broken up with images to avoid monotony.
Main Section
The main body of the blog post needs to have the value we promised. Keep it readable, use an active voice if you want to reach a wider audience, eliminate any unnecessary words, and ensure everything in there is useful. As well as dividing it with images, use subheadings to make it easier to read (and easier for Google to categorise it.)
The One-Liner
If possible, create a Tweet-able, memorable and engaging one-liner that attracts attention to the blog.
Call To Action
This is the part to consider. What is the point of your blog post? Whatever it is, the call to action at the end aims to achieve it. Perhaps it’s to buy a product, or subscribe to a mailing list. Whatever it is, make sure it exists to give value back to you and allow your audience to follow through if they enjoy the blog.
Use these components when you create a blog post and you’ll be on the road to success. Blogs are great for photographers and having this part of the website constantly changing helps massively with SEO, as well as all the other points I mentioned at the start. If you want to see more of what I do, I’m @idavewilliams on all platforms.
Much love
(PS – Happy Birthday to me)