It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am here as always – this week writing from the French Alps in the shadow of Mont Blanc.
Today I want to touch on something very important to creating photos that draw in viewers, and that thing is depth. What I’m talking about specifically is layers of depth in our images as a result of incorporating a foreground, middle ground and background.
I visited Menton, France, with a view to creating a photo that’s different to the usual shots of palm trees and blue skies in the beautiful, old town. Moving away from the blue skies was easy, but everything else required a little thought and consideration to my composition.
Here’s what I ended up with: –

In using the rocks to lead in to the scene, creating a distinct foreground and background and using the golden spiral composition leading to the church tower, I was able to create a photo of Menton that stands out from the crowd.
Offering three dimensions to a two dimensional representation of the location we’re shooting is a great way to create images that are different from all the others. Shooting familiar things in a new light is sometimes a challenge but using depth is one of many techniques we can use to overcome the Eiffel Tower Effect – that being the overwhelming amount of photos of popular locations or subjects. Incorporating depth into our images adds another layer to our compositional skills and leaves our viewers more intrigued as they explore our photo, helping us defeat the influencers.
Practice adding depth to your images with foreground and background elements and I promise you’ll notice a difference.
Much love