Photoshop World Orlando is officially underway after an exciting Photoshop-meets-fashion Opening Keynote. Hosted by Scott Kelby and featuring Adobe’s “Johnny L,” the Opening Keynote included a “Project Runway” inspired fashion show to spotlight this year’s “Project Photoshop” theme, as well as special announcements from Adobe and much, much more.
Here’s a look at some of the highlights from today’s must-attend event:
Rush, Rush! Hundreds stream down the escalators and staircase into Expo Hall South B to get a prime seat for this morning’s electrifying Opening Keynote.
Call it a “phashion extravaganza!” To celebrate this year’s “Project Runway” theme, the event kicked off with an uber haute fashion show a la “project Runway” featuring some stellar Photoshop-inspired looks.
It’s a “Drop In The Bucket!” At least that’s the name we’ve given this grand gown inspired by the Paint Bucket Tool.
Now that’s “Movable Type!” This couture creation was inspired by none other than the Type Tool.
Flag-waving models, prize-filled balloons (sponsored by B&H) and a full fashion parade… Now that’s an entrance for the event’s host, Scott Kelby.
Eau de Johnny! Scott introduces Adobe’s “Johnny L.” with a hilarious faux commercial announcing Johnny’s new fragrance line. Now that’s the sweet smell of success!
Before getting to the latest & greatest from Adobe, Johnny presented the finalists of Ruseell Brown’s Extreme Fashion challenge.
It’s art-meets-fashion as this model struts down the runway showcasing one of the finalists in Russell Brown’s special contest.
Last minute model cancellation? No worries! PSW instructor Jeff Schewe’s here to step in and stomp the runway!
The Opening Keynote wouldn’t be complete without Johnny and Bryan Hughes taking a little time to give some inside scoop on the latest & greatest developments at Adobe!
Keep checking back for more images from the Orange County Convention Center!
To get a glimpse of Photoshop World through the eyes of attendees or submit your own photos, make sure to visit our special Flickr page:
Wish I was there!
I sure wish I was there too. Can’t wait for the next PSW in September. This sure wets my appetite.
I’m sure the Vegas event will be the same!
Shoulda had ‘Nellie’ on the Runway
this looks like so much fun. wish I could join you.
Wow, looks like a lot of fun … hopefully next year! Any chance of a Senior Citizen Discount? ;-) Have fun guys and look forward to more fun photos!
Very cool! I can’t wait for Vegas!
Enough is enough! We’ll see you at PSW; and when I saw ‘we’ I mean the Earl of Grey him very self and others from the UK contingent :)
Have a great time Scott,
Best wishes to all,
Tell me – this time last year I wasn’t on twitter and so didn’t have all of this PSW frenzy in my face, so to speak. One year on, it’s so disheartening to see / hear what’s happening and not be part of it.
Negotiations with the bank manager & the wife for PSW ’12 will commence :-)
Just remember though Glyn to leave the moniker that Scott gave you behind in the UK, when this UK invasion force leave’s these shores for PSW – we don’t want any ‘gray weather photography’ in Orlando thank-you very much! ;-)
First day was amazing. Keynote was unbelievable, great classes, and I had a lot of fun at the Expo (Westcott booth was the highlight for me). And then, Big Electric Cat rocked BB Kings!!!!!!! Scott, so sad that this is the last appearance of your band, but you went out on a great note. All the members of BEC are phenomenal musicians in their own right, and together you all created some magic. And that “guest guitarist” had some chops, as well!! :D
Getting ready for the second day…I’ll be learning lots of great info from the likes of Matt, Moose, Mautner, some guy in a leather jacket, and…Jay Maisel (to name a few)!!
Great stuff so far guys! Looking forward to even more learning today.
Looks sooooo fun! I wish I was there! I hope to see a video version of it for us who are on the other side of the planet. So creative and did I say fun?!
Loved the Tweetup and will be coming to the Expo this afternoon. Pictures of the crowds of followers is great to vicariously live the Photoshop world experience with memories still fresh from prior years