That’s right game—it’s official. I’m heading to London to bring one of our most popular Photoshop tours. Here are the details:
- What: My Photoshop For Photographers Tour
- When: Friday, October 15th
- Where: The Business Design Centre, Islington
- Registration: Only $149 (US) (or just $129 US if you’re a NAPP member)
- Why: Because I love Swingin’ London baby, yeah!
My thanks go to UK-based NAPP Evangelist Dave Clayton, who got this all started with a letter-to-the-editor that I saw in Photoshop Creative magazine, and who subsequently started a Facebook group about getting us over to London again—read the original post here (though it has blossomed into something much bigger than that). Anyway—-Hey Dave—it worked! :-)
For more details, or to sign up for my London seminar (seating is limited), click right here. Hope to see you in person in Swingin’ London! :-)
P.S. Dave has started a UK NAPP member Evangelist site that is awesome. Here’s that link.
hmm, actually this Swingin’ London link is more interesting
Looking forward to catching up Scott; been way too long :)
See you soon,
Can’t wait! Place already booked!
Been looking forward to this for some time Scott and when Jeff made the announcement at Joe seminar in London, I was anxiously waiting for the course to go live on the Kelby training website. Needless to say I’ve booked my ticket and am looking forward to the big event.
Looks like I’ll get to meet and say hello to Glyn & Dave too!
BTW Maybe you’ll make the most of this trip to the UK and gallop up to Scotland in order to see some real Shetland ponies ;-)
Best wishes,
I’m also glad to see that the date is now official and really appreciate you taking the time to come over to London Scott! Like many, I have been anxiously waiting for this since the “rumours” appeared on twitter.
If Joe’s seminar was anything to go by, I think you can expect a very mixed crowd with people flying in from all across Europe to attend this event!
The leader on the Photo Walk I attended said it had been ‘announced’ at Joe’s seminar the day before and the first thing I did after the Walk was check to see if I could find an official announcement online!
Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to this and my place is already booked!
Many thanks for the name check Scott, I’ll take the credit for nagging but I would like to thank the UK NAPP community plus the Photographers/Graphic Designers and Photoshop Users who all appreciate and follow NAPP even if they aren’t members yet
{ why not ? Come on it’s only £60, the pound is strong ;o) } who have made themselves known through the various social media channels and who I know will appreciate your impending visit and fill the Design Centre on the 15th October.
Hopefully I’ll get to say hi at Photoshop World at the end of the month and thank you properly !
Great news Scott really looking forward to this – I booked this as soon as it appeared on NAPPs twitter :)
That’s awesome news!
Been waiting for this forever. Unmissable – thanks Scott for answering our long due prayers!
Will you please sign my 3 books when you’re in London – The Digital Photography Book 1,2 and 3? See you in London, dude!!!
Superb news – I’m there!
Well, flights and seminar are booked now. Guess I’ll see you then!
You too Glyn.
Smaashin – Booked as soon as I saw it.
…er can you teach me to type my name too? :)
That sounds like a blast! Now if only we could get you up here in North Dakota…;)
Heeeyyyy…..that picture looks Photo-shopped…..Nah….couldn’t be….
Any chance for Dublin in nearest future? UK + Ireland tour would be way better than just a London :)
That image is shopped! I can tell by the pixels!
Shame on you… ;)
This is excellent news, already booked – now just sorting hotel and travel to and from the big smoke…
Check out this New Iphone and Ipad(HD) app by Master Framer Eli Wilner, allows you to use over 100 of his amazing antique and custom frames.
Wilner & Co. has built replicas of antique frames for 26 White House paintings. He lent Christie’s a replica frame for a 1932 portrait by Pablo Picasso that fetched $106.5 million this spring—the most ever paid for a work of art at auction. Christie’s says the buyer later acquired the frame for about $60,000.
Now you can frame your photos with the same antique frames that hang in the White House as well as Gallery’s and Museums around the world.
to get the app and instantly turn your photos into masterpieces–
As much as I’d love to get over to the US for one of these Tour’s, I look forward to the day that Melbourne, Australia is on your list!
I’ll be there !
Missed Joe in London as my Mum took ill
I will not miss this, great scott.
When are you coming to Melbourne, Australia, you would sell out a gig in a second.
Hi Marcel:
Melbourne is on my wish list of places where I would love to do a seminar. I’ve never been to Australia, and would dearly love to go, so let’s both keep our fingers crossed. You never know what 2011 holds. :)
Forget about Melbourne Scott, come to Adelaide, we can take you to some real outback here!!!!
hehehe… – normal Adelaide/Melbournian rivalry…
we would love you to come and your seminars would be packed out. And I would love to show you the wonderful light in the Flinders Ranges..
But the water smells over there and all of the bars close at 11. Hehe
Still can’t say enough about the folks in London. It was my first time over on a tour stop (Scott’s done this many times, so he already knows) but the crowd at Islington was so welcoming and just flat out fun….coulda just hung out and kept shooting. Really good people…and London? Remains one of my favorite places. Cool city. Enjoy Scott!
How about going on to Hamburg? It’s only a quick flight and much nicer then London.
Scott… have a great trip and looking forward to the posts.
Scott: I knew that the lure of warm beer, rain, double decker buses and driving on the wrong side of the road would prove too much for you.
Looking forward to seeing you and learning from you in October!
Damn! Just upgraded my D300 to D700 and a cracking Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 – now I’m broke!
Have to break the piggy bank for this, Scott – will see you here in London, buddy!!!
Blimey! Just broke the bank and got my place, Scott!
What do we need to bring on the day? Camera, I suppose? Do we need bring our own laptop? I only use Lightroom 2 for the last 2 years and extremely happy with it – am I the only one asking here – ‘Do I need CS5?’
Will you sign my Digital Photography books 1,2 and 3? Is it true that you’ve gone vegan? Is Portsmouth (where I live) in your UK itinerary for places to visit? (Say yes.)
Any of the awesome instructors from Kelby Training coming with you – Matt, Joe, RC, Terry, Laurie et al?
I’ll stop asking now, sorry, bud.
Awesome! Looking forward to this one. Joe’s London gig really rocked.
Cheers, Ian
Got my ticket! Now what do we bring on the day, Scott?
I can’t bear it! I am in London in September, miss Las Vegas, in home Aus in October and miss London. its heartbreaking! Oh well, Australia will get it one day! have fun and I will just keep on reading the blogs! sob
Just bought my ticket online so hoping to make it down from the Shetland Isles for this big event. 14-hour boat journey to Aberdeen alone but I’m sure the long journey will be worth every minute.
Regards, Ben