It's Official: "Photoshop User TV" is On The Air!


“The Photoshop Guys” have a new TV studio, a new set and new look, and today we’re revealing our long-awaited our new official name, which is “Photoshop User TV” (produced by Photoshop User Magazine and the National Association of Photoshop Professionals–NAPP). S0, the name NAPP TV rides off into the sunset, as Photoshop User TV goes “On The Air!”

Now, because I’m on vacation I honestly have no earthly idea where they taped this show this past week’s episode, so I’ll be downloading it just too see what they came up with. When I get back from vacation, we’ll be putting the finishing touches on the new studio, and kicking off the new set and look, so I’m really excited to get back and see how it’s progressed, but since the name is now official, I thought I’d “spill the beans” here on the blog.

Thanks so much to all our viewers who’ve been so patient through our name changes, and we hope you enjoy our new look, new tutorials, new tips, new tricks, and the same ol’ cheesy jokes, delivered by the same ol’ cheesy guys. :-)

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