It’s Free Stuff Thursday!

Photoshop for Digital Photographers in Washington DC
On November 15, Scott Kelby will be bringing his Photoshop for Digital Photographers seminar to the nation’s capital, Washington DC! Check out the video above for all the details, and head over to to register now.

Leave a comment for your chance to win a free ticket!

Kelby Training Sales
Don't forget, you can still get 15% off all books and DVDs at the Kelby Training Store! All you have to do is use the promo code 15KTB for books or 15KTD for DVDs when you check out. And if you're buying a book/DVD bundle, either code will work.

Plus, our apps are still on sale! For a limited time, you can grab Kelby Training Apps for 50% off. That's a full class from one of your favorite instructors for just $4.99!

Leave a comment for your chance to win a free book and DVD.

We’re just a month away from this year’s Help-Portrait event! On December 8, all around the world there will be groups of people gathering to give those in need the gift of a photograph. Head over to for more info on how you can be part of this movement.

The Grid with Pete & Brad
With Scott, Matt, and RC all out of town yesterday, Pete Collins and myself took over on The Grid! We talked about our experiences in photography, and shared tips on being an assistant and working with other photographers, plus told what we’re thankful for. You can check out this special “C-List” episode right here ;-)

That’s it for today. Have a great Thursday!
  1. Just attended the Boston seminar and it was great. Although I filled out the eval, what I would like to also suggest is for folks to have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the day (similar to how it is done for The Grid). Scott is super about meeting and talking to people at the end of each hourly session which is awesome, but maybe the group would also benefit from hearing some of those individual questions/ answers. Attendees could ask or tweet their questions and someone could review them and pick a few to discuss live at the end of the day. It wouldn’t have to be long – 15 min to answer a few before Scott has to wrap up and make a mad dash to catch his flight ;)
    Oh yeah … Wouldn’t mind a book or dvd.

  2. Thank you so much for putting all this information in common terms. I struggled for years trying to figure out what settings to use. I had your book for a week, devoured the web content, and it totally transformed my understanding and my work! Thank you. God Bless!

  3. Again, Thanks for all the useful help. I would love to win a book or dvd. My NAPP membership is one of the best things I have ever done to improve my images.

  4. As always, thanks for the information. I could surely use a Kelby Training book or DVD right now. I have not read a photography book for a few months and am going through withdrawal!!!

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