Speed of Light: Motorcycle Photography with Tim Wallace
Tim Wallace is a commercial photographer known for his stunning automotive photography, but he is no stranger to all modes of transport. From super yachts to trucks and motorbikes Tim has worked with them in all corners of the world. In Speed of Light: Motorcycle Photography, Tim walks us through a studio shoot with a 100% custom Harley-Davidson V-Rod. From building the set to placing the lights, and from making his selects to putting together the final composite, Tim shares tips and insights into the way he works at each step of the process.
Leave a comment for your chance to win a free rental of this class!
The Business Side of Dave Black: Get Paid Shooting What You Love
Join KelbyTraining.com's own Larry Becker and world renowned sports photographer Dave Black as they sit down to discuss what it takes to succeed as a sports photographer in Dave’s latest class, Get Paid Shooting What You Love. Dave's love of sports combined with his love of photography and his ability to continually improve his game has fueled a career that spans three decades and sports coverage all around the world. Over the course of an hour Dave shares stories, advice, and practical tips on topics that range from how to embrace the transitions that will happen in your career to how to keep raising the bar on yourself to remain competitive, and from choosing your gear to challenging yourself to find ways to produce a different kind of picture.
Leave a comment for your chance to win a free rental of this class!
Photoshop World
Ever wonder what Photoshop World is like? Watch the video above to see what people have to say about the conference! And if you need to convince your boss (whether at work or at home) to let you go, we’ve put together something to help you out! And don’t forget, if you register before August 2, you save $100!
Leave a comment for your chance to win a full-conference pass!
Kelby Training Live
Want to spend a day with Scott Kelby, Joe McNally, Ben Willmore, or Matt Kloskowski? Check out these seminar tours!
Shoot Like A Pro with Scott Kelby
July 29 - Colorado Springs, CO
Aug 16 - San Antonio, TX
Aug 21 - Indianapolis, IN
Aug 27 - San Jose, CA
Photographic Artistry with Ben Willmore
July 22 - Cleveland, OH
One Light, Two Light with Joe McNally
July 31 - Virginia Beach, VA
Aug 7 - Charlotte, NC
Aug 9 - Pittsburgh, PA
Lightroom 5 with Matt Kloskowski
Aug 2 - Hartford, CT
Leave a comment for your chance to win a ticket to one of these events!
Adobe Photoshop CC: Classroom In A Book
From the Adobe Creative Team comes Adobe Photoshop CC: Classroom In A Book, the book that takes you into the latest version of Photoshop and covers all the basics, along with extra tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program!
Leave a comment to win a free copy of this book, or head over to Peachpit.com/kelbytv to get 40% off until July 15!
Budapest Master Class Workshop with David Ziser
Join legendary photographers David Ziser and Clay Blackmore for a week in Budapest, September 9-16, for their Master Class Workshop! They’ll be showing you everything from composition and lighting techniques to camera gear and posing, all in exotic locations. You can find out more over at David’s blog, and sign up right here.
There are only three spots left for this workshop, so sign up sooner than later so you don’t miss out! And leave a comment for your chance to win a free rental of one of David Ziser’s classes on KelbyTraining.com.
Photoshop World Pass
-Marty Fox
Copyright Essentials Rental
-Pedro Oliveira
Kelby Training Live Ticket
-Gregg Lowrimore
If you’re one of the lucky winners, we’ll be in touch soon! Have a great Thursday!
Can’t wait for Photoshop World Las Vegas! Some free stuff would be nice too! Great Blog!!
Great Blog!!
Does Photoshop World sell videos of the main speakers?
More McNally Videos!!!
As a NAPPer and a Kelby Training mbr I don’t need the free pass nor the travel to one of the training cities, but the Photoshop World pass would get me to drive there.
My Lightroom 5 trial has expired, and still no word on a CC bundle. Arghh! Will have to buy the upgrade with a NAPP discount and consider the $10/month PS CC soon.
Definitely will check out the Becker / Black class. Budapest is looking good too.
Classroom in a Book, please (though I’m certain it’s not as good as if Scott had written it).
I would love to win another pass to Charlotte for Joe, I would give it to one of our less fortunate club members. I already have mine.
Entering for the Photoshop CC book. Waiting at the Moment for your New LR5 book ;)
Recently moved from Ventura, CA to Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas is still close enough to drive to Photoshop World – if only I had a Full-Conference Pass!
would so love the Photoshop book
I would enjoy Photoshop World if given the chance to go…
Would love to see the book. Ibishawk Images
lightroom 5 with matt in Hartford FTW!
Tim Wallace rocks, and he has a funny accent :D
Free rentals and books are good!
Comment left for change to win “classroom in a book”.
Would love to attend Photoshop World for my first time, it looks AMAZING!!
I would love a copy of the book. And for the Lightroom seminar to come to South Florida.
I would love a copy of the book – Adobe Photoshop CC: Classroom In A Book – Thanks for all the great training!
I would love a copy of the book – Adobe Photoshop CC: Classroom In A Book – Thanks for all the great training!
I would love to have the new book to help me with Photoshop CC
I would love to have the new book to help me with Photoshop CC
wow, lots of good free stuff. full conference pass would be cool. never been to PSW
Photoshop World is the only photography conference I really want to attend.
PS World in Orlando was awesome (as always). Would love to check out Dave’s class!
Love PhotoShop World.
San Antonio with Scott would be great
Tim Wallace videos are awesome! Common sense techniques that you never think of while on the job
Dave Black is one of the best instructors out there. I had the opportunity to meet him and he is so down to earth. Great guy!
PSW rocks! Would love to go to Vegas to see McNally, Black and Ziser (sounds like a shady law firm!) or go to Virginia Beach to learn from Obi Wann McNally! Thanks.
Would love classroom in a book
It be great to see Matt K in Hartford and see all the new features in LR 5…
Would love the Adobe Photoshop CC book!
Great stuff as always Scott, can’t get enough of Kelby Training :) Oh yes Photoshop World in Orlando was AMAZING!!
PSW Vegas last year was excellent. Would love to cme back again this year. Greetings from Brussels!
I would love to attend Photoshop world…it looks amazing!
Tim Wallace is THE man :-) Looking forward to the auto interior class.
Winning a full-conference pass to psw would be more than groovy! Runner up, the new CC book!
I’d love the rental of Dave Black’s class!
I’d love to attend Photoshop World! The book or seminar would be great too!
Love to attend the Scott Kelby class in San Antonio, Texas..my first in class training…think it would be an aswesome experience!
Photoshop World Pass!!
And If you are still looking for places for your vacation, go to Argentina.
Best beef in the world, party every day-all day long, and every type of landscape you can imagine.
And six times cheaper than the U.S!
Would love to go to PSW, been making excuses for the past 6 years! Thank you!
I’d love to get Dave’s insight on shooting sports for money!
I would love to go to the 1-2 w/ Joe in CLT
The Tim Wallace videos are great!
A ticket to see Scott Kelby in Indianapolis would be wonderful!
Photoshop world pass would be amazing, but always enjoy a good book.
PSW Pass or Joe McNally (who I have a super crush on!)
Would love a Tim Wallace class!
Would love to win a Photoshop World pass or Adobe Photoshop CC: Classroom In A Book
I would enjoy winning a copy of the Adobe Photoshop CC book.
Lightroom with Matt in Connecticut would be awesome!
Please send me to PSW by way of a complimentary pass.
Lightroom with Matt in Connecticut would be awesome!
Sure would be nice to win a motorcycle photography class video.
I would really enjoy a pass to the conference. Thanks
I would love to attend the Ben Willmore workshop in Cleveland.
I would love to see Scott in Indy!
Please: One Light, Two Light with Joe McNally
July 31 – Virginia Beach, VA or Aug 7 – Charlotte, NC
I would love a ticket to photoshop world! That way my wife can come with, so we can enjoy it together!
I could definitely use and would enjoy the Photoshop CC Book.
It would be nice to win a Photoshop World pass!
Photoshop world would be great!! I went several years ago and would love to go again!
Would love to have a Photoshop World pass :)
A Photoshop World pass would be awesome! I’ll just have to call out of work that weekend. They’ll be ok without me. :)
Oops! Not quite the weekend, but still… they’ll be ok without me for a few days!
I would love to attend the Ben Willmore workshop in my neck of the woods (Cleveland).
I would really enjoy attending your “Shoot Like a Pro” in Indianapolis. Thanks for the opportunity!! I have learned so much from you and your team.
July 11th is my birthday! It would mean the world to me if I got anything that you are willing to give away. I turned 16! You would be the only person to give me a birthday present… :)
Tim Wallace’s class would be a treat.
Oh man, I’d love to win a copy of that new Classroom in a Book!
It would be great to see Scott in Indianapolis !!
John Price 786143