It’s Free Stuff Thursday!

Hey everyone, it’s time for the second ever Free Stuff Thursday! Brad Moore here to let you know about some discounts and give away a free pass to…

The Digital Photo Workshops
The Digital Photo Workshops are kicking off in Death Valley with Rick Sammon, February 23-26! These 3-day, weekend workshops are designed to sharpen your skills behind the camera and in the digital darkroom through hands-on, one-on-one training to photographers and hobbyists who want to become better digital photographers. Just leave a comment here for your chance to win a free pass!

You can register over at (NAPP members get $100 off!), and check the schedule for more workshops with Joe McNally, Dave Black, and Ben Willmore.

70% Off David Ziser DVD From Kelby Training
If you’re a wedding photographer or thinking of becoming one, here’s a kick butt deal! David Ziser’s Wedding Photography Rapid-Fire Tips & Tricks DVD is 70% off at the book and DVD store. Renowned wedding photographer David Ziser has over 25 years of experience – and a lot of his best practices are in this DVD. Grab a copy today and put his experience to work for you. Only $14.99 while supplies last.

Photoshop Elements 10 for Digital Photographers
In case you haven’t heard, Scott & Matt’s new Photoshop Elements 10 Book for Digital Photographers will be here soon and we’re taking pre-orders. Reserve your copy here!

NAPP Renewal = Scott Kelby Extra Mega Bundle!
If you’re a member of NAPP, you can get the Scott Kelby Extra Mega Bundle free if you renew your membership before 1-13-12 at noon ET. Check out the January edition of Newswire for details.

Kelby Training Live
Photography & Photoshop CS5: From Focus to Finished with Ben Willmore is coming to Oklahoma City on January 25!

Just a couple days later, Dave Cross is bringing The Photographers Photoshop CS5 Power User Tour to Covington, KY on January 27.

And then on January 30, Scott Kelby will be in Austin, TX with his Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. Live Tour!

You can find more info, and sign up for these seminars and more over at

Last Week’s Winner
And, lastly… The winner of the free ticket to Photo Pro Expo in Cincinnati on February 2-5 is… Todd Boone! Congratulations Todd, you were the person the random number generator picked :)

Leave a comment for your chance to win this week’s giveaway, a free pass to The Digital Photo Workshop in Death Valley with Rick Sammon February 23-26!

  1. I thought I’d be the first, but being second is ok. Always looking for ways to make my photography go BOOM, or jump off the page. Been doing it for 37 years, and I’m willing to follow the pros at their art..

  2. Me and my wife haven’t been in Vegas for over two years, This could be great excuse to go there again. :-) Our Birthdays are coming up in two weeks (day apart) maybe we can treat us to the trip there… Thank you for all the good info you provide us with.

  3. Scott, Brad,

    Thanks for the free stuff Friday. Now if you guys could get us a discount or free stuff at IN-N-OUT Burger that would really be cool.

    Hmmm…….Wonder if there is an IN-N-OUT Burger in Death Valley………

    Luis Morales
    DLWS Acadia NP,2005

  4. Would love to see Rick in Death Valley. I’ve had the opportunity to meet with him at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC; great guy with a great personality and lots of information and technics to share.

  5. I’ve been looking at that death valley workshop for a while now, but I just haven’t been able to afford it! The work shop is three days before my birthday (born on February 29th), so it would mean a lot if I could win the opportunity to go and improve my photography. This is my first real birthday in four years (leap year), so please make it a special one guys!!! ;-)

  6. Hi Scott, Brad,

    Thanks for all the free stuff. Now if you guys could only get us free stuff at IN-N-OUT Burger that would be way cool!!!

    Hmmm……. I wonder if there is an IN-N-OUT Burger in Death Valley…….Hmmm

    Luis Morales
    DLWS Acadia, 2005

  7. I’ve been looking at the death valley workshop for a while now, but I just haven’t been able to afford it. The workshop is just three days before my birthday (born on February 29th), so I would love to win the opportunity to go and improve my photography. This is my first birthday in four years (leap year), so please make it a special one!! ;-)

  8. Not related to this post, but I sure appreciated the Lightroom 4 Beta site. It is so much more informative than just reading press releases and trying to figure out what has changed.

  9. Rick is one of my favorite photo guys. Would like opportunity to meet and learn from such a talented source. Live close enough to get there early and stay late. Any chance rest of you folks would vote for me to get a win on this?

  10. Any time spent with Rick is time well spent. Any time spent in Death Valley is time well spent (unless it’s the middle of summer and you have no water). The two together? Hard to pass up this opportunity. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  11. Death Valley is a location that is on my “list” but I could never quite make the commitment to go there. This class would be just that commitment. I think Rick’s approach to photographing the world is what I need to develop in myself and this class would really help that along.

  12. Thanks for the post, great stuff there. Would love to go to Rick’s workshop, and being over my birthday it would be a great present too! lol.. Thanks again y’all!

  13. I have skirted around Death Valley several times, but I have never spent anytime there, nor have I ever photographed it.

    This sounds like an very interesting workshop. I guess one thing that the website forgot to mention was bring warm clothes. Even though this is a desert, and many people think that deserts are hot, this time of year it can be extremely cold especially early monring and at night.

  14. Rick Sammon seems like a great guy and is so enthusiastic about everything. Death Valley is not far away for me, but I have not been there. I’m sure this will be a memorable experience for whoever is lucky enough to go.

  15. Just want say thanks for a great bundle for renewing NAPP membership

    and please don’t pick me as the winner because I living in Denmark and can’t take to the photoshop world :-(

  16. Hey I will be in the area already shooting the SASS National Championships in Phoenix so travel isn’t a problem. Plus, I could use the experience.m this is cowboy action shooting with shooters who dress in period correct attire for the most part. If you wish to attend let me know. I am usually too busy to do much photography but I plan to try more this year. Plus, given the opertunity I will do so self portraits to get photos of me in my several outfits from buckskins to an 1880’s saddler sgt. That is just me wait till you see the soiled doves and can can dancers or the formal ladies in there period evening attired. They hold costume contest for several different groups so you will see someone that at first glance looks like Marshal Matt Dillon from Gunsmoke to someone dressed as the Palidan from Have Gun Will Travel.

    My logo should read have guns and camera will travel.

  17. Death Valley!!! ooooOOOO! I want in on this workshop so badly! Pick me! I just went there for fun two months ago and it was GORGEOUS! Beautiful creation surrounds you.

    Have fun and take fabulous photos. I’ll be looking for them.

  18. Hi Scott Brad,
    Now I’m excited. I clicked on the link in the blog about the workshops. I see the Pre-Photoshop World at Zion. Wow, I’m in for that already metaphorically speaking. You know you will see me in Vegas next fall. Wish I could make DC :(
    See ya,

  19. I love all you guys do for photographers. I am taking a Rick Sammon class in south Florida on Jan. 30th and would love to go to this one also.
    Ron Davis

  20. Been wanting to shoot Death Valley for some time now… inspired by some of Joel Grimes composites. Put my name in the hat for the Sammon workshop. Not to far down the road for me. Thanks Guys!

  21. I went to Death Valley in March 2011. I spent three weeks shooting. Now I’m learning to process in Lightroom. The going is slow, I miss the real darkroom. I become overwhelmed trying to pick out what to work on. I need some critique.

    Patricia Wesslund

  22. Hey Mr. Kelby and Crew,

    I would like to put my name in the hat to be one of Rick’s disciples in Death Valley! During those dates it will be my big 3-0 and as not excited as I am about getting older, it would be the most awesome birthday present ever!
    Thanks for your consideration.

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