Creating Lighting Effects for Advanced Photoshop with Bret Malley
Learn how to create and composite your own amazing lighting effects with Bret Malley! In this class you’ll discover the techniques Bret uses to create cool lighting effects with inexpensive tools you can use do almost anywhere. Beyond the gear and tools you’ll learn how to set up the shots, the importance of pre-visualizing the final looks, how to capture the lighting elements, how to review and select the pieces you’ll need, and how to pull it all together in post processing. No special plug-ins are needed, just basic camera gear, a dark space, Photoshop, and your imagination.
In Case You Missed It
Learn how to do a family portrait with a magical twist! Join Bret Malley as he teaches you all the steps, from shooting to post processing, needed to create your own fantasy fine art composite. Bret takes you through the gear he uses, his process for pre-production, how to communicate and work with the subjects, his lighting setup, how to photograph each element of the composite, and then how to bring it all together in Photoshop. The first half of the class is a live shoot where Bret creates all the pieces, and in the second half he teaches you his tips and techniques for creating a seamless composite that brings your imagination to life.