New KelbyOne Course: Ultimate Guide To Photography Composition with Mimo Meidany
Improve your compositions through practice! Join Mimo Meidany as he breaks down the rules of composition into simple, practical tips you can employ easily every time you are out with your camera. Improving photographic compositions is absolutely a skill you can develop and improve with practice. Mimo breaks down key concepts and then takes you out into the field to demonstrate how to put them into practice as you explore whatever location you are in at the time.
In Case You Missed It: How To Take Stunning Long Exposures with Memo Meidany
Learn how to master long exposure photography to create dramatic photos during the day. Join Mimo Meidany in Venice, Italy as he takes you through the gear, the camera settings, and all the steps in his workflow for capturing stunning travel photos that are both dramatic and are free of tourists. To capture these daytime long exposures you’ll need the right gear, but the investment you make will extend the hours you can shoot through the brightest hours of the day. Mimo wraps up the class with a series of lessons demonstrating how he processes his photos using Lightroom and Photoshop.
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