On Friday, meet “The New Photoshop Guy!”

Hi Gang: Remember a few months back when I mentioned we were hiring for three positions? (here’s the link just in case).

We were looking for a Marketing Genius, a Photoshop Tech Wizard, and a new “Photoshop Guy” to add to our ranks. Well, I’m happy to announce that after hundreds of resumes, and phone and in-person interviews, on this Friday I’ll be posting a short video here to introduce you all to the new “Photoshop Guy.”

We’re really excited about adding a new guy to the mix (RC is especially excited, because then he won’t be “the new guy” any more), plus he brings a lot of different skills to the position, so we’re psyched. He’s not a well known name in the business, but my guess is—he soon will be. :)

Also, although we’ve now filled the Tech Wizard job as well, we’re still doing interviews for the Marketing Genius position, and we want to fill that position immediately, so if you are indeed that marketing genius (and you know who you are), and you want a legitimate excuse to move to sunny Florida, contact Jean Cappello in our HR dept at 813-433-5005.

Don’t forget to check back Friday to welcome the new guy (of course, you can check back tomorrow for the Guest Blog post, and for Pimpy Thursday, too). ;-)

  1. Oooooh I’m excited :)
    The two posts today don’t have to do with one another, do they?

    – Brandon

    PS: Wow, Ken – Missing the grid and Scott’s post on the same day? UNACCEPTABLE! Haha only joking ;)

  2. Looking forward to seeing who the new ‘Photoshop Guy’ is going to be, especially as you say they’re not a well known name in the business. Hopefully they’re ready & prepared to be unleashed to the masses ;-)

  3. Can’t wait to see who the new guy is this Friday. I’m sure he will be a great addition…only the best work at Kelby Media. A more pressing question is “Is he any good at Black Ops?” Isn’t that one of the prerequisites for joining the Team? 8)


    1. John: As you’ll read Friday, he’s very good at Black Ops. He’s a key component of our team—he always deploys a sensor once we take a building, and that leaves Matt free to take out anything that flies, which Matt is brilliant at by the way. :)


  4. Well, I am heart-broken, because it obviously isn’t me, but I will definitely check out who the new guy is. He must be overflowing with talent! I wish him the best of luck and hopefully next time you guys are looking for someone, I will be in your consideration.

  5. Hi Scott!
    Congrats on finding your new Photoshop Guy! A very difficult task I’m sure!

    Oh, and about that Marketing Genius Position… I want it. Bad. My resume and cover letter are on their way.

  6. I know the “new guy” very well – he is a great friend and I will miss him being close by! What a great addition to the Kelby group – you will all really like his style, humor, and knowledge!

  7. Scott, this will be THE worst decision you have EVER made. Send him back where he came from, before he embarrasses you!!!! And he will, at some point, probably when you least expect it! In all honesty, he’s going to fit it perfectly. Slap him at least once a day to keep him in line! Congratulations . . . . ___________!! Love the show and now it will be even better!!

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