Photoshop Eye Fix and Some Worldwide Photowalk Stuff

Howdy, everybody. I’ve got a pretty cool Photoshop tutorial for ya, but first with all the exciting news about the Worldwide Photo Walk yesterday, I wanted to hit a couple of questions real quick, then we’ll get on to the Photoshop stuff.

“Why aren’t you doing a photo walk in my city?”
We get this question a lot, but you’ll be happy to know we don’t actually pick the cities — every city, everywhere is invited to create a photo walk — you just need a photographer in your city to apply to lead one.  So, if you search for a walk in your city and you don’t see one – it just means someone hasn’t volunteered to lead a walk there yet.

Now, we just publicly launched yesterday, and a whole bunch of cities added photo walks yesterday and bunch more will be coming online today, so if you don’t see a walk in your city…just wait a few days and check back — there will probably be one there (especially if you live in a fairly good-sized city).

“What if I still don’t see one?”
Then maybe you should consider leading one. :)  Just go to the official site; click on “Lead a Walk” and apply to lead one in your city, and you’re up and running. Anyway, I know a lot of folks are under the impression that we pick the cities, but in reality — you pick the cities, so just wanted to give everybody everywhere a chance to join us. Hope that helps.

“Do you have a short video that explains the walk?”
Man, was I hoping you’d ask that. I sure do – it’s right below.


OK, now back to Photoshop and stuff
Today I have a Photoshop retouching mini-tutorial for ya, for when your subject has one eye that is more open than the other (which is surprisingly common), and you’ll learn a few cool tricks and shortcuts along the way. I made this video (2nd video below) just for you guys and it’s only around 5-minutes, but I hope you’ll find it’s worth it. :)

There ya have it – it’s “Two Video Tuesday” (at no extra charge!).

Hey, I hope you join me as part of my 9th annual Worldwide Photo Walk. The prizes are awesome. The cites around the world that are hosting walks are awesome, and the awesome is awesomely awesome (take that evil grammarians!). ;-)


A guy who is back from Nashville already, but is in Orlando today doing a site inspection for next year’s Photoshop World Conference 2017. Whoo Hoo! :)

P.S. Hey! Psssst! Wanna come see me in Indy next week (the 25th) with my full day seminar? Sure you do! Here’s the link where you can get tickets. All the cool kids will be there. 

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BREAKING NEWS: Announcing My 9th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk

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