Hey gang, Brad here with the first weekly installation of Pimpy Thursday! Lots of goodness to pimp, so let’s get started –
- Jeff Revell did a great post and tutorial on using the Photoshop World for iPad/iPhone App over at PhotoWalkPro.com. If you’re coming to Photoshop World you’ve gotta check this out!
- In other Photoshop World news, John Loiacono (Johnny L) from Adobe will once again be the featured keynote presenter! Johnny and his team always wow the crowd with great previews of things to come from Adobe, and with CS5 just shipping (as well as Lightroom 3) it’s an exciting time to hear from Adobe! Sign up now to join Johnny, Scott, and all your favorite instructors in Las Vegas September 1-3.
- If you’re in the Las Vegas area and just want to drop by the Photoshop World Expo, you can do so for free on September 2 & 3. Visit this page to register for your free Expo Pass.
- Check out Jason Moore’s review of Scott’s Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers right here.
- Scott is bringing his Photoshop for Digital Photographers Tour to London on Friday, October 15 for a jolly good day of training and fun. Get all the details and register right here.
- If you pre-ordered Scott’s Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, you should be getting your copy in the mail any day now. (I was just back in our shipping department a little bit ago, and they were getting them packaged as quickly as they could :) )
- Have you checked out the latest Kelby Training Online classes lately? We just recently posted four killer classes – RC Concepcion’s Configurator 2.0: Customize Your Photoshop CS5 Experience, Joe McNally’s Lighting for Environmental Portraits, Janine Warner’s Dreamweaver CS5 Crash Course, Part 2, and another RC Concepcion class on Portfolio Power!
- Check out AdoramaTV for all sorts of great, informative videos on photography, from gear reviews to photo tips and more. (My favorite part is the “How’d They Do That?” series in which photographers walk through their setup for photos they’ve taken. Check out this one featuring Nashville-based celebrity photographer David Bean talking about his setup for photographing LeAnn Rimes.)
- And a big thanks to yesterday’s guest blogger, Ryan Booth! I really enjoyed his take on vision, voice, and creativity. He has some great projects going on, but I’ll particularly be paying close attention to this one.
That’s it for Pimpy Thursday! Drop by again tomorrow and tell Scott how much you missed him today ;)
If you are in Vegas for a day during Photoshop World… then buy the 1 day ticket…
just sayin…
I totally agree with Alan. If you happen to be there anyway, come for one day. You’ll be glad you did!
Brad, NIK is tuning free webinars every week (almost every day) on their plugins. The new NIK hdr plugin is awesome and supposed to be released in 2 weeks, how convenient! :)
See you folks in Vegas!!
Webinars at: http://www.niksoftware.com/learnmore/usa/entry.php?view=webinars
I got in my copy of Photoshop CS5 for Photographers already and it is great. Scott always manages to inform and entertain. Already trying some techniques he mentions in the book.
Tim, got mine last week, love it!
Are we going to stick with the “pimp” metaphor? I hate to be a bore, but that’s a distasteful metaphor, even if it has been twisted into more general usage.
Yes, you’re being a bore.
Obviously i mean this in the nicest way possible. I just forgot to add the smiley face. :)
RC where is James when you need him (toad post) :)
Carson, No you are not a bore. I agree with you 100%.
Since this is a World Wide Blog (with photowalk even) I can just see a young person who’s first language is not English, wondering what a pimp was. Then looking it up and seeing what it means. Not the best use of the Scott Kelby website.
And RC – that really wasn’t a nice comment. Even with a smiley face. You guys have a world wide following and need to live up to it.
I disagree. The word is ‘pimpy’ – not Pimp. I see a young person whp’s first language is not English wondering what ‘pimpy’ is.
They’d go onto google and type ‘pimpy’ – and they’d be completely OK with looking at the first entry being from the Urban dictionary and saying “Oh.. extreme bling.. marketing term.. gotcha”
I don’t think they’d sit there and go “Pimpy.. from the latin root Pimpus.. oh …. waitaminute!!!”
I think anyone who follows this blog can see that these things are not meant negatively. This is my own opinion, but I also don’t think having an argument on Etymology is a great way to use the website either.
Hi rc,
“Hey gang, Brad here with the first weekly installation of Pimpy Thursday! Lots of goodness to pimp, so let’s get started -”
Guess both words were used in the first sentence.
I will go away now.
You can only be offended if you allow it. Language is alive and always morphing. It’s pretty clear to most folks here that the use of the word is in a common vernacular of marketing, not something distasteful. In the greater scheme of life, I just can’t see a need to worry about a word.
Could we compromise and call it “Pimply Thursday”? :-)
I don’t give a rats a$& either way (Scott is off today and not reading this, right?). :)
My favorite pimp quote is still “My wife is spending money like a pimp with a week to live”.
“We just recently posted three killer classes – RC Concepcion’s Configurator 2.0: Customize Your Photoshop CS5 Experience, Joe McNally’s Lighting for Environmental Portraits, Janine Warner’s Dreamweaver CS5 Crash Course, Part 2, and another RC Concepcion class on Portfolio Power!”
Ummm Brad? That’s four buddy. Doh!
Couldn’t pass it up. It gave me a chuckle this morning. Now which do I watch first?
To be fair to Brad, maybe only three of the four are “killer classes.” ;-)
Trev J.
JT – Guess I got carried away! Fixed.
Hey Brad,
I’d like to use your first Pimpy Thursday to congratulate you–and the other staff members who helped–on the incredible job you did in support of Scott’s Photo Walk. As a walk leader following the help blogs, I could see it was an enormous task. On the two occasions I sought support, you replied personally with the answers in a timely manner. I could also see that not everyone posting was courteous or patient, yet the reply always was so. Thanks a bunch!
Joyce from Blue Ridge
Nice pimpin’ Brad! Already watched the first segment of Joe’s Enviromental Portrait’s,
FANtastic! Kelby Training Rocks!
PS:The pre-cons are only twelve days away!! I’m getting jumpy!
Thanx, Brad
BTW, any status on the e-mails to the Worldwide Photowalk leaders and winners on how to receive their copy of Scott’s book?
We have a couple of emails ready to send out with all that info, but there are a couple of things we have to get lined up before we send them out. They’ll go out to all the leaders and winners as soon as we get the other stuff in place.
Funny, while I was reading this I got my shipping notice for my Photoshop book. Still reading the LR3 book but I’ve already learned many things. And yes, I skipped to the back and read a couple of those chapters first. That’s how I roll. ;)
This is my very 1st Photoshop World and I’m sooooo excited. However, I was considering upgrading to a Pro Pass but they are all sold-out. Any chance you will be having any contests etc. where one might acquire one of these passes complimentary??? And yes Scott, miss you much!
I think Scott is just messing with us, I mean come on, take another day off? (this is what happens when you get that AARP letter)……..just want to see if he is watching! :)
He is younger than you and me both Ken. Some days I feel like AARP, some days I feel like I’m entering puberty.
I am sure you remember Johnny Carson and how many “days off” he took during his time in front of the camera. Maybe Scott just needs more time to practice his stand-up routine… :D
Looks like he won’t read the blog on Thursday either or he would have a comment here.
Lots of cool stuff to check out! I have met David Bean in Nashville and used his studio there for a day shoot of a country/rock singer. He’s a super nice guy and excellent photographer. I also used that silver wall he shot LeAnn Rimes against, and I loved the results! Completely different, depending on the lighting setup. Great natural light studio, too.
unny, while I was reading this I got my shipping notice for my Photoshop book. Still reading the LR3 book but I’ve already learned many things.
Congrats and welcome Brad. You did great!
This blog and Photoshop User Tv used to be 2 of my favourite things to look forward to, but with Scott absent all the time from both the blog and the show, i would say they have not been as entertaining as they used to be. Matt and Dave are great, but the show just doesn’t have the same appeal with only 2 hosts. Is Scott too busy these days writing books? And how about getting some of the great photographers in the industry like Gregor Halenda, Stan Musilek, etc to do a blog post?
Ok, i’ve finished my whining now.
Great job Brad! Very interesting links.
Scott + Team,
I love the blog, love Scott & everybody’s work, and really truly appreciate all the great information on this site. I must say though that I am disappointed with the choice of the word “pimpy” for the Thursday postings. That word has many negative connotations easily associated with it, and few are which I’d think Scott + team would want to associate with. In particular, given that the photography world seems to have a dearth of women photographers, I think this word in particular might be ill received.
Will I keep following Scott? Yes. But I am a bit disappointed.
Got Your’s great new book – CS5 for digi photographers – today from British Amazon, but there are several pages almost empty, seems like black color is missing or smtng. Also overall quality seems lower than previous books. Hard to belive that this is this the only book, what shold I do now? Btw I got this books from CS or CS2 – they all great, very, very useful. Best regards, T