Shootin’ some Monday Night Football Tonight! (and it’s contest time!)

OK, I am super psyched because tonight I'll be shooting on the sidelines at the Monday Night Football Game between the Atlanta Falcons and the Denver Broncos at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, alongside my buddies Michael Benford and Matt Lange.

Monday Night Football is a grand sports tradition here in the US and it's broadcast nationwide (as it’s the only pro football game that airs on Monday nightâ”-all the rest play on Sunday).  I know a lot of you will be watching, so I thought I would post this shot of me wearing pretty much what I’ll be wearing tonight (with black kneepads) and the beige vest and al — that way if  you see a photographer get creamed by a receiver on the sidelines (or if Peyton Manning breaks my monopod), you’ll be able to tell if it’s me they’re carting off. ;-)

Let's make it interesting with a “Scott Spotting Contest”
The first three people who take a photo of their TV Screen where you can see me, and post it, or a link to it, it either to my Facebook page (link), Tweets me with the photo (link), or posts it to my Google+ page (link) gets a signed copy of my new book, "Photoshop CS6 for Digital Photographers."

Where I'm likely to be on the field:
I generally shoot from these two areas:

(1) The End Zone (there's less chance of refs, the chain gang, video crews, and the guy with the giant blue parabolic mic walking in front of your shot)

(2) Between the 15 yard line and the goal line.

If I get flattened by a player during the game, the first person to visit me in the hospital (besides my wife), gets my entire Photoshop and Photography book library. I'm hoping we don't have a winner for this one.

Can't wait to share the shots with you guys (provided I get any decent ones), but tomorrow is the long-awaited “Life after Drobo” post so it’ll have to wait. Have a great Monday, and we'll see you tonight. Well, you know what I mean. :)  GO FALCONS!!! #RISE UP!!!

  1. A chance to win your entire Library???!!!!
    Been wanting to vist the inlaws, so catch a morning flight and watch the game
    at the Atlanta Med Ctr E/R (closest to Stadium) and wait to see if they wheel you in!
    Nah, cheaper to buy the ones I don’t have at PSW Vegas 2013!
    Besides, I don’t want to jinx you on the sidelines.
    Have a great time Scott!

    1. We went down that path once stacy — it was NOT well received by some in the sport photography community (to say the least). Here’s the link: but in the end, it actually turned out great (here’s that link: but suffice it to say, I’m not going down that rabbit hole again. :(

      1. Having read the post on your prize that never was and the following comments i would like to add it can be just the same in the UK. I recently covered a Rugby game where a “Pro” sent by a National paper was sat in the Rugby equivallent of the End Zone during the game selecting and sending his images! He made no effort to get out of the way as 20 players ran towards him! I am slowly working my way into the paid Sports Photography world and have met with some really great assistance from Pro’s and Photo editors, however, i have also met some of the pettiest, egotistical plonkers you could have the misfortune to deal with. Keep up the great posts Scott, love your NFL images. Next time you come to the UK you should come and watch Rugby…..same hits…but no padding!

  2. Can you tell us which hospital they would take you to? That would give us all a fair shot to get there in the unlikely event that one of us has a chance to win the book collection.


  3. Have an awesome time tonight, Scott!  Always fun to play the “Spot Scott” game while watching some football.  I think it would help us immensely if Brad tricked out the monopod with flame decals or yellow tape like your last one.  Much easier to pick you out from the crowd of photographers!  Or does that make you more of a QB magnet??  Stay out of the ER’s please…..


    1. Hi John. I checked last night and either Brad removed all the yellow tape, or he has me using a different monopod (though it seems to be the same Gitzo I alway use). I’ll keep an eye out for racing running backs. :)

  4. Good luck at the game tonight.  You certainly appear to be living your dreams.  I know that you’ve written many books on photography, but I have a suggestion for a different kind of book.  How about a book about yur life, your business, your philosophy, etc..  From our vantage point, things appear to be working out very well for you.  You must have made many good decisions to get to this point (I’m sure there were bumps along the way as well).  I would be interested in how you approach life, and I bet others would be interested also. – Brian

    1. Hi Brian: I don’t know if there’s a whole book there (well, not one that would sell any copies, anyway), but I did an interview with Ibarionex Perello that is very different from my other interviews, and it answers a lot of those types of questions. Here’s the link:, then click the Audio Stream link on the bottom left side of the page. Also, check out my online interview with my buddy Glyn Dewis right here:   Between those two, it’s pretty much all there. Many thanks. :)

  5. Scott,
    Which Long lens are you using? Do you see a big difference with the results with the D4 when shooting with the 200-400?  Which Knee pads work best?  Thanks for all that you share!!

  6. After watching your video with Dave Black on HS Football I was anxious to try out some of your suggestions. I had my knee pads and shell pouch for accessories. I was ready. Here is a new tip for your viewers, Scott.
    When taking a shot of the players being announced and bursting through the banner being held up for them. Do Not Stand Directly in front of the banner. The center carried the banner draped across his face and bowled me over. I got right back up and people started handing me things like my glasses, batteries, allen wrench, etc. that had gone flying out of my new shell pouch.
    Fortunately this 76 year old man and all of my equipment survived and I finished shooting the game.
    The coach commented to me that “I took the hit better than half of the guys on his team”.

  7. Hey Scott,
    I’ll be watching tonight.  I am a Cowboys fan, My wife is a Bucs fan, so I like the Bucs by default.  Next week, that’s a different story though.   The Bucs sure let me down yesterday.  I sure wanted the hated Giants to lose.
    Good luck tonight buddy, I know you will get some great shots.

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