It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams am here as always, this week reporting from Denmark. I arrived into Denmark on a ferry late last night from Norway on the SuperSpeed 2 and over the next day I have to cross south into Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, and then hop on another ferry back into the UK.
The adventure in Kofifernweh is coming to an end and Due North II is also wrapping up. I’ve taken this van from being one used by the railway company, Network Rail, to one that has had more adventure and seen more sights than a lot of people do. I have loved every minute of this journey, even the times that have been difficult and challenging. I’ve had to dig out of deep snow several times and the numbness in my hands has all been worth it.
The reason this adventure is almost over is because I will be moving permanently to Lofoten this year. I need to return to the UK to get everything in order and comply with post-Brexit travel regulations but in a few months I’ll be back in the Arctic again. The plan is to continue doing all that I already do, but to also work as a photo guide. I’ve organised an exclusive series of workshops from September, October and January which involve Vikings, landscapes, northern lights and reindeer. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I can’t wait!
Something special is happening in the night skies right now. Take a look at this photo, shot handheld on iPhone south of Oslo two nights ago: –

At first glance it doesn’t appear to be anything particularly interesting, but this is the northern lights seen from an area with a lot of artificial lights at a motorway service area in the south of Norway. Mind blowing!
This is something we should anticipate seeing more and more over the coming few years as we approach solar maximum. Expected to arrive in 2025 but dependant on the official announcements, solar maximum is the time of the highest solar activity where sunspots build and release more solar winds in our direction. If the northern lights are on your bucket list, this coming winter is the time for you to check them off the list!
The aurora is something that fascinates me and I have made every effort to learn all there is to know about the aurora. My success rate is very high and I make sure I never miss an opportunity, even going out in snowstorms and cloudy nights and still finding the dancing lights in the sky. It’s something I’m finding it very hard to leave behind as I venture south but it seems it’s following me along my journey. All being well, I’ll be back there very soon.
I will wrap up my Due North YouTube series next week so keep an eye on my socials for details if that’s something you want to see.
Next week when this massive journey is over I will be back with a far happier outlook and give you something to really sink your teeth into and hopefully inspire your iPhone photography ahead of the iPhone Photography Conference.
Much love
(You get 5% off the workshop price with the discount code KELBY5)