Hi Gang:
Here it is Friday, and it’s only my second post of the week. I had such high hopes about shooting all these photos on my iPhone, and uploading them live like I did in Las Vegas, and blogging at night, etc., but I have been just back-to-back slammed since the moment I got here, and this is the first time I’ve sat down all day, and it’s quarter to three in the morning (and I am just beat).
I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to post more this week, but I did want to let you know that I’ll be back in full swing next week, with lots of details about the show. I had just an amazing time this week—one of my most fun and fascinating Photoshop World’s ever!
I’ve met such incredibly cool people, and I’ve got a lot of stories and photos to share (the one above of me, waiting off stage during the keynote, was taken by photographer Carol Sahley), but my head is about to hit the pillow. Thanks for hanging in there with me, and I hope you all have a great weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday.
All my best,
Get some rest Scott (and the Photoshop World gang). You all deserve it.
Hi Scott!!! You don’t nedd to apologize. We thank you for every post (at least me). PhotoshopWorld seems to be time-consuming (and fun). And you need a lot of time to get rid of all the Kiss’s makeup :-)
Hey Scott, as an attendee it’s ‘full on’ so I can only imagine how busy you guys must be.
The blogging can wait,
Catch you next week for all the news and gossip,
Glyn :)
Hey Scott,
Anyone who has ever attended #PSW can understand why your blogging has been abreviated this week. We fully understand. After seeing the KISS keynote images, I’m kicking myself for not being there for this one. Oh well, there is always Sept 1-3 in Vegas.
See ya,
Mike, I wanted to shoot KISS a couple of months ago but the manager said I couldn’t even post one of the photos on my blog. Yea, I said the samething…..WHAT! I have shot alot of concerts but this is the first time i have been told this. I told him I have been shooting concerts longer than they have been playing (which is true). Did Scott and the guys actually put on KISS make up? Now that would be hilarious. now where are those photos?
Ken – If you go to our Photoshop World page, there are links to the PSW 2010 Attendee Flickr Pool and the Photoshop World Gallery on Flickr. Lots of shots in both.
In case you don’t have the link, it’s: http://www.photoshopworld.com/
Thanks Cindy!
Hey Ken,
Does that just rock or what?
I want to rock n roll all day and party every night!!!
Scott looks like a drag queen.
Les Paul -Mmmmmm good!
Hey Scott, don’t be beating yourself up for not blogging! Although we miss your blogs, we all understand how busy things can get! We’re all glad your doing great and having a fantastic time! Look forward to Monday’s blog! You have a great weekend also!
Yeah, but look how cool you look. I’ll be sitting here waiting. (drumming fingers) :)
Have some rest… we missed you but we’ll wait till you back :)
Scott, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, also think about the health of your heart. You’ve earned your rest, now get some Zs …
Hey Scott, I’m suspecting that a good chunk of your blog audience is in Orlando with you this week anyway. However, I’m one of the poor saps who couldn’t make the trip south :(
Your blog will be here next week and you can tell us how awesome it was then.
BTW – I’m following the proceedings on Twitter anyway, and your NAPP crew are doing a hell of a job there.
Who said it was good blogging in the first place?……………………ahhhhhhhh, just kidding, Scott you do a superb job keeping up the blog, the guest interviews, and all industry related news.
As minimal as it can be, it’s always good to hear from your side of things.
Scott, your blog is always informative, inspirational, friendly and fun. I really appreciate all the hardwork you put into it. This week your blog might also have been sparse but certainly not bad. I’m not sure you could do “bad” if you tried. Thanks for all you do! Now go get some sleep. ;-)
I’m bummed that I can’t be in Orlando OR Las Vegas this year, so it’s great fun to follow the activity online; I even watched the keynote presentation on that little tiny screen and I loved it. What a hoot! Your staff and some of the attendees have been doing a great job of passing on highlights (and a few lowlights!) from PSW.
Just get some sleep so you can keep on doing awesome things that entertain and educate us………burnout is not pretty.
Hi Scott,
I’m sure you’re exhausted, but when you get a chance check this out, the photgraphy and concept of Fallen princesses is very clever.
To view the above, no sound is necessary, and the images are safe for work.
This was my second PSW. After hitting Las Vegas last fall, I knew that I wanted to come back. Since I only live about 30 miles away, it was definitely easier on the wallet (though it may have been worth getting a room after fighting I-4 traffic).
You can’t see everything at PSW, but you can make it what you want. Last time, I was all over the place and in several tracks. This time, I spent all but one session in the Photography B track and it was just what I needed; a combination of inspiration, insight, and ideas.
Last time, I came home with ideas to use to process my old images. This time, I’m coming home with new ideas (and excitement) for the images I’m going to create. That was my PSW.
OK, so it was the Photography A track. My mind is still muddled from the firehose.
Hey Scott,
Are there going to be any videos posted from PSW?
I completely understand. I didn’t even take my laptop out of the bag at Photoshop World, much less blog anything. I whrrled a few events with my Whrrl iPhone app, so I just embedded those slideshows on my blog after the drive home tonight. At least it’s something!
Congrats on the (probably not too distant) future lens from Peachpit. I was so excited for you — what a thrill! I think I scared my husband texting him from the expo hall this morning (guess it’s yesterday now) about the 70-200mm f/2.8 that I was trying on for size. :-)
Hey Dawn … What lens? Peachpit … ?
Oh dear! Have a good rest. Sounds like your days are 28 hours long
Hey, that’s a nice photo of you ;)!
Had a rocking good time in Orlando and my head is swimming with new ideas and techniques!! The quality of the classes was consistently amazing. Thanks to you and your crew!
Here is a great lens simulator for nikon that you can adjust a photo to simulate a lens:
Was this demonstrated at PSW? Looks like additional enhancements to the Content Aware feature.
Scott, No apology is necessary and never is. This is YOUR blog, we are simply visitors. You choose when you post. And you do it for free. With TONS & TONS of great info. For Free. SO THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO. And if anything, we should apologize to you collectively for expecting that you post without sleep. That’s Nuts. Do what you need to and we’ll see you back here next week at a time & date of your choosing.
Man I’ll be glad when you guys are done partying, no ones blogging right now! Ya’ll think about all of us poor souls who couldn’t be there.
OK – almost Monday…
I suspect that CS5 will be a hot topic.
I wonder why Adobe doesn’t package Photoshop along with Lightroom in some “PS”, i.e. “Photographers’ Suite”. There’s obviously considerable redundancy already. I’d be happy to trade a LOT of stuff in Photoshop I’ll NEVER use for Lightroom in one integrated package. Could call it Lightshop, or Photoroom, or Kelbyshop…whaddaya think?
You may have had a bad week blogging, but you and your team have been spamming me about your seminars. I called to be removed from the list and your team did not remove me. You are spamming the wrong 65 year old. Is your business in such dire straits that you have to write a person who has no interest in learning Photoshop. One upside is that I will now alert people to the spamarama you are operating.
Stephen E Arnold, March 28, 2010
Scott, I’d like to echo others who say we are so grateful for your generosity in sharing your enthusiasm and expertise via this blog that we just wish you restorative rest!
I am certain that ANY blog you post will more than make up for your self-imposed deadline of 1 post per day.
You rock on all levels,
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