This Photographer Did Something I Just Love!

A few weeks ago, I posted a link to a very short video tutorial I did over on the new KelbyOne Blog on how to use a camera on a monopod, with a fisheye lens, and trigger it with a wireless remote (here’s the link) for a really unique overhead look (it’s a lot easier than you’d think).

This week, a photographer named Konstantin Articus in Germany did something I so love — he took that monopod/fisheye lens idea that I showed for use in sports, and he took that idea and applied it to something completely different, and he got just wonderful results (see below).

Thanks so much to Konstantin for allowing me to share these images with you here, and my hat’s off to him for being able to take a technique shown for one use, and apply it so brilliantly somewhere else. Well done!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday for my 2014 Annual Holiday Gear Guide.

All my best,


  1. Hey Scott, I do weekend work for our paper in a small Canadian city. Back in October there was a small ceremony in our town to honour the soldier killed guarding the war memorial in Ottawa. I had my monopod & fisheye but no remote – so I set the timer to 2 secs, hit the shutter & raised it up. I got a few shots used by the paper this way – including this one.

    1. KC: Your premise is: “everybody has seen what you have seen, so there’s no sense in sharing it ever again.” In this case, the photographer hadn’t seen David Ziser’s technique (if he’s not a wedding photographer, he probably wouldn’t have, right?) so my job is to try and share as much information as I can that I may think might be helpful. My video was for sports photographers who have asked me how to do it, which is why I particularly thought it was cool that Konstantin took the “use in sports” concept and then used it in the classroom. I thought I’d share his images so other people might also think outside the box.

      1. Why is there someone always being negative?
        If its a cool technique why not share it! Just because its been done before does not mean it cant be shared again. If that was the case there would be very few techniques shared in the photography community.
        I personally think its great to see how a technique can be used in various situations. Thanks Scott!

      2. My thoughts are exactly like Graeme’s and Scott’s. I’ve never seen David’s blog. Plus it’s a good idea to repeat tips that people may have forgotten.

      3. Graeme, I could also say the same for the blind idolization and fanboy-mentality—why is there so much of that on this site? Why such bitterness towards one who might have a differing opinion? Is that not part of a healthy, forward-thinking society? This blog is titled, “Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider,” not, “The Cult of Scott.” Differing opinions are not allowed in cults—else their leader would not be able to retain such effective power over the followers.

        I, too, think it’s great to see a technique that is clearly not a “‘use in sports’ concept” used in various situations. I just do not feel that it is something “completely different” to be stumbling all over ourselves over. And it is perfectly legal and acceptable for me to feel that way—or have I not drank enough of the Koolaid®.

      4. I should have been more verbose. My apologies!

        Using the phrases, “I so love,” and, “applied it to something completely different,” would lead one to understand that you find this to be a radically game-changing technique.

        In your response to my post, it might also be helpful to clarify why a) the technique you shared in the video has been limited to a “‘use in sports’ concept,” when it has clearly been in used in many other applications, b) why you feel that taking a group photo from overhead with a wide-angle lens is “think[ing] outside the box,” and c) why this single photographer received such grand extolment on such a well-known website for essentially copying a technique—something that we all do.

      5. If I thought it was a radically game-changing technique, the headline would have included “radically game-changing technique.” I love what this guy did — he shared something he did and I thought it was great. I though it might encourage other people to try out the technique on something different, just like he did. As you can see from the comments, for most folks it did exactly that and they were appreciative of seeing his images and got some benefit from the post. Then, there’s one guy who instead of sharing a technique or helping in any way, decided to go the negative route and point out what’s wrong with it, taking issue with everything from the headline of the story to the fact that another photographer was publically applauded more than he felt he had earned. It’s like my wife says, “There’s always gotta be one” and like Graeme said below, “Why is there someone always being negative?”

      1. You’re welcome, Lyle!

        One might think that an “applied it to something completely different” being posted on this blog might be applauded—but sadly, it seems to be a small crowd that can “think outside the box” and say thanks.

      2. I thought it was a great shot by the guy.
        I adopted a philosophy on the internet that you have to choose to take offense, and just ignore what can by taken as degrading at times. keeps me sane. lol

  2. Scott, I’m always trying to think of new ideas for a family photo around the holiday time. I would’ve completely glossed over this idea if not for today’s post. Thank you for sharing. I just may have the most unique family photo this coming December! ;)

  3. Are you shooting at 2.8 or backed off a bit? and still 1/1000? I have messed around with this – just not a 1Dx so I don’t have the ISO range for dark gyms etc.

  4. Scott, thanks for posting this! This is a great idea!!! I’m now thinking up ways I can incorparate this into my bag of tricks and of different scenarios I can apply this to. Now I understand what that cable is for!

  5. Ohh… I remember hearing the conversation about this on The Grid but I didn’t get what you were talking about. I’ve used my fully extended tripod and self timer to capture images of Kiva’s and other sensitive locations without entering them. Sometimes you have to crank the ISO but in today’s world that’s no biggy. I call it the flying camera technique :) One of the photographers that I shot with at Mesa Verde this year made the comment that he was sure that I was the person that invented it. He was joking of course. I’d be willing to bet that I saw some version of the technique used on some web forum or website long ago. Or maybe I just had an independent thought. IDk. It doesn’t matter where a technique comes from does it?

    Not the best example but it’ll have to do-

  6. Scott in the Kindle store there is a book with almost identical cover and name as yours. I saw it and I own and most of your old ones and was excited at first to get the kindle version then realized it wasn’t you. Digital Photography by Martin Hall and almost same cover. Just a heads up.

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