Howdy folks, here’s what’s up:
- Nancy Masse, (our in-house copywriter and Baroness of Social Web Marketing), sent me the photo above last week, and when I first looked at it, I didn’t immediately hit me what it was. Then I was like, “Wow…that is so cool!” As impressed as I was with the very clever idea, I was really blown away once I realized that this isn’t something composited together in Photoshop—what you’re seeing is a photo of a set built at full size. That took it over the top for me. This image is now popping up all over the web (it’s totally going viral), and so I had Nancy track down the original source, and here’s what she found: The photo was taken by photographer Anton Ismael, for the Jakarta-based ad agency Bates 141, for their client and the only thing more impressive than their incredible idea, is the flawless execution. Here’s the link to a flickr page with shots of the set under construction. My hat’s off to the entire production crew, creative director Hendra Lesmono, and art directors Andreas Junus & Irawandahani Karmarga for really coming up with something special.
- Friend of the blog, Syl Arena has a terrific article on high-speed sync when using off-camera flash (which can open a whole new world of daytime flash photography for you). I read the article last night and if you’re into off-camera flash, this article is an absolute must-read. Very well done, and illustrated. Way to go Syl!
- Photoshop Hall-of-Famer Stephen Johnson has two workshops coming up, and if you act quickly you can still snag a seat. His first is called “Fine Art Digital Printing Hands-on,” which runs from December 4-7, 2008 (here’s the link), and then in January he’s doing an on-location workshop called “Death Valley in Winter” from January 31 – Feb 3, 2009 (here’s the link to that one). Stephen teaches for us at Photoshop World, and he’s an amazing teacher, and his workshops always get rave reviews. If you get a chance to spend some time learning from Stephen—you’ll be amazed at where it will take you.
- If you’re out in the LA-area, just a reminder that I’m bringing my “Lightroom 2 Live!” to the Los Angeles Convention Center on December 4, 2008, and it’s already filling up fast, so if you want to go, here’s the link to sign up (or for more details). The seminar is $99 for the full day (includes my step-by-step class workbook), and it’s only $79 if you’re a NAPP member. Hope to see you there!
- Lastly, just a word of thanks to those of you who posted such kind comments yesterday. It means more than you know. :-)
That’s it for today. Have a great Tuesday everybody!