Our topic: Busting Camera and Photography Myths (based on something that happened at my San Francisco seminar on Monday). This is going to be a really fascinating show, with both +Trey Ratcliff and +Joe McNally joining +Matt Kloskowski and me, and we’ve cool giveaways, and our special “Ask us really personal questions” segments, and well, ya just gotta be there.
Here’s the link to watch live, ask questions, and join right in: http://kelbytv.com/thegrid/
Great guests to have, I can’t wait. Joe inspires me as much as (or probably more than) any other photographer. I watch everything I can find with him in it.
Don’t tell Joe I’m attending, he may not show. 8-)
Cant wait! I’m sneaking out of work early for this one!
I enjoyed watching the Live thing you did tonight. Very cool. Thanks Scott and Joe!
I attended the Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Live in Seattle Today. I wasn’t going to be one those people to go up and get you to sign my book. The last break came and who did I find standing in line waiting to meet the great Kelby – it was me. I did it. It was nice meeting you and I am sure it meant little to you but for us that stand in the back and look out – I am amazed at all that the Kelby Group does. You guy (and girls) are doing an amazing job. You must have an army of people to do all the things you all are doing. From books, training and the multiple website. You must be a master deligator. You need to put a book out on how you are able to do all you do. Thank you – over the years I have learned so much from your team and I admire the heck out you guys. Thanks for the all the info. I learned so much today – now if I can retain and apply it – even 50% I will be happy. Thank you