Tomorrow’s Guest Blogger Is…

Commercial and travel photographer Nick Onken! I (Brad) met Nick when I was in New York for Photo Plus Expo a few months ago. We were hanging out with some mutual friends, and we were able to talk a bit.  I checked out his website as soon as I got the chance and really liked his style.

He’ll talk a bit more about it tomorrow, but he just launched a brand new website and has a book on travel photography coming out next month called Photo Trekking!  Nick sent us an advance copy of his book, and I have to say it looks really nice.  It has some cool photography and tons of helpful tips and advice on what it takes to be a travel photographer.

In his blog for tomorrow, he talks about his journey into commercial and travel photography and shares his thoughts on the key things it takes to become successful.  And they don’t just apply to the travel/commercial photography world, but just about any sort of business you might be in.  So come back and check it out!

1 comment
  1. Need to get that book. I havn’t made a long trip in a while and need some tips on transporting my equipment. I hate to think I would only be able to take one camera, one lens and a flash. I would want a couple of lenses(at least), my Gitzo and RRS ballhead to only mention a few things. Looking forward to his blog.

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