Tomorrow’s Guest Blogger Is…

Legendary sports photographer and photojournalist Bill Frakes. I (Brad) have been a fan of Bill’s work since before I knew his name.  His images and stories have always left an impression on me as a growing photographer.  He’s a staff photographer for Sports Illustrated, and has photographed everyone from President Obama to Michael Jordan to Tim Tebow.

In his blog for tomorrow, he discusses the transition from film to digital, his love of technology, and his passion for storytelling.  He also includes a heart wrenching, yet inspiring multimedia piece on the story of his friend who lost her leg to cancer early in life, but has gone on to live her dream.

Bill was also one of the first people to get his hands on a D3s and created the video below for Nikon.

So come back tomorrow and enjoy what Bill has in store for us.  In the meantime, feel free to check out his website, as well as his media website, Straw Hat Visuals.  (And while you’re there, go ahead and familiarize yourself with Laura, who is next week’s guest blogger!)

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It’s “Guest Blog Wednesday” featuring Bill Frakes!