Hi everybody. Here’s what’s up:
First, since this is the first time I’ve done a “News Quickie” since last Wednesday, I wanted to thank Ben Willmore for his terrific post, and a fascinating look at his life and his work. Very cool stuff (Thanks Ben!). Now, onto the news:
- I am really excited to announce that in just over a week, Brad Moore (Joe McNally’s current full-time assistant) is moving to Florida to join our team as my full-time photography assistant and general digital tech guy. (In case you were wondering; I didn’t steal Brad from Joe; I won him fair and square in a card game). Actually, it was Joe that brought the opportunity my way, as Brad was wrapping up his 2nd year with Joe. I’ve known Brad for a while now (that’s him pictured above on an average day), and he already works for us at Photoshop World as one of our official show photographers (along with Josh Bradley), and he is just a really great guy; really sharp, and not surprisingly a first-rate photographer as well. I’m really tickled to have Brad coming on board (I could really use the help), and you’ll be hearing a lot about Brad and his new role here, and some very cool projects he’ll be involved with soon. Brad wrote his farewell post over at Joe’s blog, and you can check it out right here.
- Don’t know if you caught this, but Adobe released a free Camera Raw update (Camera Raw 4.6), which includes supports for some of the newer DSLRs like the Canon 50D, and the Nikon D90. Here’s the link to download it from Adobe (Mac) or (PC).
- Terry White over at Terry’s Tech Blog wrote a really great, in-depth review on the new Firewire version of the Drobo, and it’s definitely worth a read if you’re losing sleep over the safety of your images. Here’s the link to his review.
- If you speak Italian, I did an interview with the Italian Website “Total Photoshop,” and you can read it online right here. (Intervista esclusiva!)
- Now for some “And Stuff;” So I’m at home catching up on some writing, and my sister-in-law and her daughter come to where I’m writing, and she tells me “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I think there’s a bald eagle in the backyard!” I yell, “He’s back!” and while I’m rushing to grab all my gear, she tells me “There’s actually three of them” and now I’m really scrambling. I pop-in a memory card, sneak out around the side of the house, being super quiet and surprisingly unobtrusive (for me, anyway), and son-of-a-gun if one of them didn’t spot me, and all three flew right off. I got one lame shot of one of the three flying away (too lame to post). So, I did miss the shot this time, but hey—-not only did he come back—he brought some friends. So, now there’s hope there will be a next time (by the way; if you have an idea on the best way to sneak up on Eagles, let me know, because apparently I have no clue).
That’s it for today folks. Have a great Tuesday!