Hi Folks. It’s Tuesday, it’s my birthday (and my wife got me a Les Paul guitar as a birthday present—sweet!), but besides me getting older, and not even a bit wiser, here’s what’s up:
McNally Live!
San Francisco, the first stop on Joe McNally’s new Location Lighting Technique Workshop tour for Kelby Training looks like it’s going to sell out way in advance, so I’m giving you a heads up now; if you’re planning on going (it’s on July 31st), this may be your last chance to sign up here. Here’s the link.
Thanks Vinny!
Just a word of thanks to my buddy Vincent Versace. He took the promo photo of me you see up at the top right corner of this blog. We use that image in a lot of my books and videos, and I just wanted to both thank and credit him, especially since the photo makes me look a lot better than we all know I really look. Thanks Vinny. You da man! :)
Down & Dirty Review
Ron Martinsen did an in-depth review of my latest book; Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks, and you can read it right here.
50 Issues and Counting!
Also celebrating a birthday this week is UK-based “Photoshop Creative” magazine, as they have just published their 50th issue. Congrats to everybody at Photoshop Creative, and here’s to 50 more! :)
Local Photo Walk Videos
I got an email from Ian Pack, who is leading a Photo Walk in Brighton, UK as a part of my Worldwide Photo Walk, and he sent me to a video clip about the Photo Walk on YouTube.com and I’m embedding his video below. I also found other Photo Walk videos from last year (including my own), and I’ll be posting one each day until the Walk kicks off a week from Saturday. Thanks Ian for sending this my way. :)
That’s it for today folks. Make sure you check back here tomorrow for our very special guest blogger, and I’ll see you back here on Thursday for my first blog as a somewhat older, but even more devistatingly handsome blogger than before (if that’s even possible). Have a kick-butt Tuesday, everybody!