Hi Gang. Here’s what’s up:
Surprise: The P-7000 Still Has Its Fans
OK, first I have to admit; I was a bit surprised to see that the Epson P-7000 has more fans (and with it more life) than I thought it did. I thought this would be a slam dunk for the iPad, since it’s so much more than just a storage device, but the P-series still resonates with some photographers. Perhaps the thing that surprised me the most was that so many people pegged the increased storage size as a big advantage for the Epson. It’s rare that I ever shoot 10GB in a single day, even when covering a sporting event, so a 64GB iPad would cover me for literally days before I had to back-up to my laptop, so that caught me off guard. Thanks to everyone who shared their comments yesterday, because now I’m having to reconsider giving my P-7000 the boot.
Flash Comes To The iPhone. No, Really!
Yesterday, I saw the Flash version of my photography portfolio, watched D-Town TV served up in Flash, and I even saw Adobe’s home page, in all it’s Flashy glory, all on my iPhone, thanks to an amazing new FREE App. Terry’s got it covered over at BestAppSite.com. You will be amazed (well, at least I was).
Travel Photography Tips from Nat Geo
National Geographic published a nice series of travel photography tips (just in time for summer), so if you’ve got a sec, check ’em out right here.
Accept: The Concert Shots
My buddy, and concert photog, Scott Diussa recently shot the sold out New York City reunion concert of German rockers “Accept” and he got some absolutely killer shots. Here’s the link. Also, yesterday I got to see some of the concert photography of Drew Gurian (Joe McNally’s full time assistant), and I was very impressed with not only his concert work (which is outstanding), but his portraits as well. Stop by and check out Drew’s work here.
“Photo Recipes Live” Lighting Techniques Reviewed
There’s an in-depth review by guest reviewer Brian Reed over at the Tenuous Thread Photography blog of my recent lighting techniques DVD/Book Bundle: Photo Recipes Live: Behind the Scenes. Here’s the link.
If you’re a Wedding photographer….
…and you want to take your shooting to the next level, you’ve gotta check out Cliff Maunter’s workshop. I got to see Cliff teach at the Photo Plus Expo last year in New York City and and Matt and I were blown away! (“American Photo magazine named him “…one of the top ten wedding photographers in the world”)
So much so, that we asked Cliff to come and teach for us at Kelby Training Online (he just wrapped up two classes for us), and this guy is just amazing! His in-depth workshops are always sold out in advance (his July workshop has been sold out for months), but he’s got just a few spots left for his November workshop in Philadelphia. If you’re serious about this stuff, you’ve gotta grab one of those last spots. Here’s the link with more details.
Mike’s New Photo Blog
My buddy Mike Myer just relaunched his photo blog, which features great photos of Skies, Clouds, Storms and Landscapes, and he’s really got an eye for color. Here’s the link if you’ve got a quick sec.
Am I going to see you in Atlanta on Friday?
Nearly 500 photographers have already registered for my “Photoshop For Digital Photographers” seminar in Atlanta this Friday, but there’s room for a few more if you’d like to join me. Here’s the link with the scoop (and you can still snag a seat while you’re there). Hope to see you in person this Friday.
That’s it, folks
I’ve gotta call it a day. Hope you guys have a great Tuesday, and that you join us again as we once again celebrate the anniversary of our “Guest Blog” program, featuring the man who came up with idea—-Vincent Versace.
The P-7000 is certainly overpriced. I’d rather pack a MacBook or iPad.
Yes, it’s not as small, but chances are you already own one and if its purely for backup it can be left in your car or safely on location. Leave it on sleep and it will start up in seconds. You could even remotely upload to the web using it. It can do a hell of a lot more, for a small sacrifice in size. As for flash on iPhone, I’ll just wait until I am near a Mac next. At most, a few hours without access to flash website certainly won’t bother me. No flash at all is even better.
I’ve read Terry’s blog and this is great news for iPhone users. Finally they will be able to enjoy the flash content on their phones.
Thanks for the heads up on Drew Gurian. I was so impressed with how clean and effective his portfolio site is, I’m seriously considering changing my hosting to his provider.
Thanks for the heads up on the flash app.
Although the Travel Tips at the National Geographic site are nice they were first published in August 2007. Guess budgets are tight everywhere.
woah, thanks for the flash info, never expected to see it here in your blog.
i recently purchased a netbook for half the price of the epson or the ipad with more than double the capacity. my argument is similar to that of Jason up there. netbook can do so much more than just backup.
Hey Scott, thanks for the plug for my website. It’s only taken me 2 years to get it going. I was very inspired after Photoshop World in Orlando to get it up. Hope you enjoy it.
Mike Meyer
Mike, great photos! Where are you located? I lived in Fairbanks for 10 years (grade school age). do you live up that way?
Nope, I live in Virginia.
Scott, I’ll be there on Friday! I’ll be the old guy. You can see a picture of me on my blog with a camera around my neck at 11 years old and the photo was taken in 1966. See ya!!
Scott D and Drew, your concert photos are insane! I especially love the Robert Plant and Dave Mathews shots.
Thanks Ken!
I have a P-7000 and have pretty much hated it since day one. It is slow and eats batteries like candy.
I’ve used the iPad on-site at events and the limited storage space is definitely a hindrance for me. Then again, it isn’t uncommon for me to shoot 100GB in a weekend.
I like the iPad for display and some proofing (hopefully, some new apps will improve this) of low-res JPGs, but it just can’t hold my raw files from an entire event, or even one day of an event.
My 15-inch MBP is my on-site workhorse for outdoor events and I have a set of iMacs that I carry to indoor events.
Hey Scott, I’m amazed that you typically shoot less than 10GB in a day, even when covering a sporting event. My 7D just chews through my storage space! My poor MB Pro gets mad at me if I don’t regularly back it up.
Hi John:
See my response to the next comment. :-)
“…It’s rare that I ever shoot 10GB in a single day…”
Hmmm…I need to seriously rethink about setting down from High Speed Continuous to something slower. I’m filling my cards (with too much junk) too quickly. I shoot a lot more than 10 gig if I’m photgraphing multiple fields at a day long tournament.
Hi Joe:
I usually shoot sporting events in JPEG, so I can fit an awful lot of a shot on an 8GB card. :-)
I shoot exclusively in RAW and I shoot weddings. That makes for a lot of frames. I also divide up the shoot so that everything is not on one CF card. I must be a masochist, cause thats a lot of frames to manage in post. Lightroom to the rescue.
That flash app for iphone is a good idea. Just please don’t think of it as an excuse. I am still waiting for Kelby training on my iPad!
Speaking of the iPad. I would love to see a quick segment on dtown (or another of of your many web endevors) on how you integrate the iPad into your work-flow.
Hi Scott,
I’m off work ill with Shingles at the moment so re reading your Digital Photography Books feeling sorry for myself hoping I’m going to be fit to travel 70 miles to Leeds (UK) tomorrow as I’m booked in on David Hobby’s class and looking forward to it a lot. Thats an aside from what I thought you’d be interested to hear my thoughts about Volume 2. On page 189 you talk about getting in close enough and actually say that you should get to where you think you’re close enough then take 2 steps closer. I just wondered if there was someone you had in mind who was planning a visit to the Grand Canyon.
Just thought you’d like to know you cheered up a guy who’s not feeling too good at the moment. There’s a couple of guys at work that I may be buying your book for as reading for their holiday :-)
Phil Walker
Sorry for the off-topic post, but curious whether or not there will be a third annual World-wide PhotoWalk this year. Trying to schedule time to participate again.
Scott said to watch for an upcoming announcement.
I am really looking forward to the PhotoWalk! You would think that it would have been announced by now!
Scott – great news and great for your training company to have Cliff do some lessons for you. I love his work. Do you have a sense of when those will be up on the Kelby Training site?
Also, I wanted to note that I was pleased to Aperture training had come to Kelby Training as well. I know Joe McNally and Chase Jarvis and Scott Bourne are all Aperture users, and I understand why. I moved to Aperture 3 from LR2 (I’d had Aperture 1 and 2 but it was not a primary tool) and it is fantastic.
I have two questions regarding the use of Ipad for photography specifically as backup. So lets say I shoot only raw..Can the Ipad display my images? If not can they be stored on the iPad? So how are the images then retrieved after storage on the iPad?
The iPad is over rated. I’ve got a far better tablet (Fujitsu) that’s more powerful, useful, and the same size. Flip out of slate mode & it’s also got a keyboard.
Using a small, purpose built device like the P7000 to store photos on the run, just makes more sense.
Shoebox, come on… I know you probably aren’t an Apple fan, but to not call the iPad the best tablet right now is silly! It is certainly the only tablet worth owning right now in most people’s opinions. You may like your Fujitsu, but the iPad is awesome, and when it is called “over rated”, it is by people who usually just want to bash Apple. :)
Okay, I just checked and Fujitsu doesn’t make a tablet in the same standard as the iPad. They have a bunch of laptops that have a folding screen, but the iPad is not meant to be a laptop replacement (yet). So the Fujitsu is cool (all the nurses at our hospital uses one), but let’s not compare it to the iPad. You might as well compare your laptop to a Macbook Pro, that is a closer comparison.
Hey, wonderful blog you got here! Keep up the excellent work!
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