Tuesday News Stuff


Hi gang. Here’s what’s up:

  • Shooting the Sun & Fun Fly-in
    Last Friday my buddy, and co-workshop instructor, Bill Fortney hooked me up with media credentials to shoot one of the largest aviation events in the nation, the Sun & Fun Fly-in, in Lakeland, Florida. I was pretty psyched because that afternoon they had an airshow, and I had amazing access (right next to the runway), and what I was really excited about was shooting a squadron of F-16s. They were scheduled to take off around 5:00 pm, so we shot some classic warbirds and stunt planes while we were waiting, but then my cell phone rang and sadly my mother-in-law Barbara was on her way to hospital, so I immediately packed up my gear and headed back home (after all, there will be other airshows, but my mother-in-law is very precious to me). She’s still in the hospital, and she’s really struggling along, so if you’re the praying type, and don’t mind sending a prayer her way, she could really use it. Anyway, I barely shot any frames, but I kinda liked the one you see above of a WWII era Grumman F4F Wildcat (click on it for a larger view). It was my first time shooting aerial photography, but I can tell you this—-it won’t be my last. I really enjoyed it a lot, and I got a whole new respect for people who do it well. Now, next time if I could just get a shot of those F-16s. ;-)
  • Pinhole Photography for Digital
    After I ran that piece last week about the pin-hole camera construction kits, Michael Tapes dropped me a line about a Pin Hole adapter for DSLRs (so you don’t have to process film), that is actually a body cap made for pinhole photography. They’re fairly inexpensive (in the $30 range) and you can find them right here. Thanks for the heads up, Michael.
  • My Landscape Workshop is Sold Out
    Just a heads up: My landscape workshop in Savannah, Georgia with Bill Fortney is sold out. Thanks to everyone who signed up—-looking forward to spending that week with you all. I can’t wait!!!!
  • Photoshop Down & Dirty Tour Update
    Two quick things: we now have over 600 people signed up for the Friday, May 8th kick-off for my Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks Tour in Washington, DC. If you’re thinking of going, I would sign up now (here’s the link). Also, the amazing Corey Barker (who helped me develop the tour) is taking the Down & Dirty Tricks Tour to Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, May 27th. You can sign up for Corey’s tour right here.
  • Memory Cards Sense Fear
    I heard it again this week. Another photographer talking about how when you need it most, you look down and your memory card is full. It happened to me at the Grand Prix of St. Pete, and this photographer was relating his story to me. The moral of the story—if you’re heading off to shoot something important, better check your memory card on the way.
  • CS4 Book For Digital Photographers Reviewed
    Yesterday I saw a review of my book, “The Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers” over at Ronald Martinsen’s Photography Blog (Unfiltered reviews with real feedback), and he did one of the most in-depth reviews I’ve seen in quite a while, going chapter by chapter through the book giving his take on each section. You can read the review right here.

That’s it for today folks, see you here tomorrow for Guest Blog Wednesday, and then I’ll be back here on Thursday for another installment of “Embarrassing Photo Thursday.” Have a great one!

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