Hi gang: Here’s a quick update on how we’re doing with the Worldwide Photo Walk:
The Numbers
Wow!!! We’re at nearly 600 walks around the world, and by the time you read this, we’ll have almost 10,000 walkers registered in walks (to put that in perspective, that’s way more than we had for the first walk by a long shot, both in number of walks and walkers!). If you haven’t signed up for a walk, it’s not too late, and if there’s not a walk in your area yet, and you want to lead one, it’s not too late either. Here’s the link to get all the details, or sign up for a walk.
The Shirt
We’ve got some really cool t-shirts for walkers and leaders this year (see above), and once again 100% of the profits go directly to the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya (last year we raised over $7,000 to feed and cloth the children), and this year we’re hoping, with your help, to raise even more. Here’s a link to order yours today (The link for Walk Leaders is on your Leader Dashboard).
The Love
If we didn’t get another city, my Publisher Peachpit Press would still be shipping over 1,200 copies of either my Lightroom 3 book, or my CS5 book, all over the world, and that they would be willing to do this to support the walk, is just amazing (I can’t imagine what that all costs. Well, I can, I just try not to), so do me a favor and check out their site here, or follow them on Twitter, or Facebook. They publish the very best books on Photoshop, Photography, and all the stuff we love, so please join me in giving them some big love, because without them, we couldn’t make all this happen. Thanks Peachpit (Nancy, Scott, Ted, and crew!!!).
Scott i signed to be a leader in Russian city Omsk…So please give me this :-) Because in Russia people i kind of angry in photography so i want them to communicate and have a good time. It’s really important for our city…
So please let me be the leader, i have a lot of experience in that kind of events..
Reply me if you can!
Hi Scott. I write this on forum at Worldwide Photowalk, but nobody notice.:
I have a suggestion. Lots of people which I send invitation email to photowalk sign in form, requested that they missing translation of what is going on or at least press package for leaders translated to local language. I did this for my friends and social network, but it will be helpful if some kind of button show on the photowalk website that they can read all rules in local language. Of course I put translated version and brief description what we are doing in the comments over there but still for non english people registration can be difficult because you are using American standard for zip code etc. As a leader I can prepare files for registration so at least this can be done. But I need to know if this is possible. Anyway lots of fun. I’m excited to be part of this great event. Thank you
Just got my t-shirt for the walk! I’m excited to be doing this for the 3rd year in a row, and with the same leader (Laurie Excell). I can’t wait for July 24th (my sister’s birthday too)!
Me too Rachel!!! It is early though :)
P.S. Isn’t that icon photo from last year’s walk?
Mine is going good! I have contacted the press and should have some coverage. I think all leaders should contact their lacal news media. I am begining my walk from Spartan Photo Center and the owner loves that. I was surprised to learn (from Canon rep) that there are only 3 exclusively camera only stores left in South Carolina. Everyone is excited about this!!
Hi Scott – I have a comment similar to the one posted above by Waldemar Chadzynski (nice photos on his webiste, incidently!). I am a walk leader and would like to be able to ask a question or two, but there is not way to contact anyone in-charge except through the forums —which I have done, more than once, but no one answers me. Can you help facilitate this problem? I am sure it is becoming frustrating for a lot of leaders. Thanks Scott.
PS – I registered for your NYC event on June 28. Cannot wait!
Cool! I’m a leader in Omsk Russia !
Got my walk leader shirt this weekend.
Looks great.
Can’t wait for the walk.
Some Photo Walk madness here. Our Camera Club (our city has a population of 85,000) is trying to lead one, however since there is one already created in another city (population less than 5,000) 20 miles away our club is getting the run-around saying “maybe you’ll get yours” which is frustrating since we are trying to book a restaurant for an after walk meetup and 50 people are not easy to put just anywhere.
Signed up twice, but was given a reply that there is already one in my area … I hope that when they look at the map, Singapore is an island country of its own. Also, we are intending to link this walk to our photography forum’s 2nd CSLive and coincidentally, the first day of this CSLive is the day of the Photowalk.
The nearest walk is in Malaysia, in another country. Thank you.