Welcome to the new home for my Photoshop Insider Blog, which incorporates both ScottKelby.com and my former Blogger.com blog into one site. This new blog has lots of nice new features (easier navigation, more info, categories, the opportunity for larger sized photos) and for me it makes posting much easier and efficient). Thanks to my in-house Web guru Fred Maya who hooked me up with this new set-up (click on that down facing-arrow at the bottom of the photo at the top of this site to expand the image area. Pretty cool, eh? That’s more Fred stuff.). So…here goes:
- Terry White’s Tech Blog has a write up on the recent Photoshop World, complete with comments from some attendees. Click here to check it out.
- I’m teaching another week-long hands-on workshop this summer at the wonderful Santa Fe Workshops, out in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The workshop is called “Super Charged Photoshop and the Bridge for Photographers,” but of course, we’ll also be working with Lightroom this year. I’ll have more on the workshop tomorrow, but for now, you can find out more by going to the Santa Fe Workshops site.
- The amazing Laurie Excell (AKA: The Equipment Lady, and head of NAPP’s Photo Gear Desk”) has a new blog, and if you like great photography, great advice, and a the latest scoop on the all the latest gear, you might as well add it to your daily rounds. You can jump there now by clicking here.
- Photoshop World instructor, and renown digital artist Fay Sirkis is teaching an in-depth five-day “Beginner Photo Painting” workshop (April 16 – 20, 2007) at the Lepp Institute, out in beautiful Los Osos, California. If you’ve ever caught Fay’s standing-room-only sessions at Photoshop World, you know what an amazing week this will be. For more info, visit the Lepp Institute’s site.