Your ideas really do make a difference! Back a few months ago I asked for your feedback on bolding the keyboard shortcuts in my Lightroom 2 book for Digital Photographers. It turned out to be a big hit with readers, but along with the great feedback, there was also one constant request; for spiral-bound editions of my new books.
We did some research, and learned that the major bookstores absolutely weren’t interested in stocking spiral-bound books, but with the help of with our publisher (New Riders), as a test we went ahead and special-ordered 1,000 copies of my latest book, “The Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers,” which we’re having spiral-bound at the printer. After these 1,000 spiral-bound copies are gone –that’s it—-they’re gone! You can order yours direct from us (the only place to get these limited-edition spiral-bound versions) by clicking here.
Another idea was to include a tear-out keyboard shortcut guide, and although I wasn’t able to get it included in this edition, I am working on an idea moving forward that might work out well for a book I’m doing next year (more as it develops). Anyway, my thanks to all of you for letting me know what you’re looking for, and I hope this spiral bound version winds up being a hit, because I’d love to be able to offer this alternative version for all my new books.