1: Brrrrrrr! 2: Gregory Heisler for President (3) Salt Lake City Here I Come!

Greetings from freakin’ cold Minneapolis!!!
Look, I was born and raised in Florida — I’m not sure I can function in temperatures below 60° and I have a seminar to do today here, so can somebody please call the convention center and make sure they have the heat turned on? ;-)

Looking forward to meeting everybody (over 300 photographers signed up for my class here today).

How to take a big leap in your portrait photography in just 64 minutes
If you thought you could really make a big improvement in the quality of your portraiture in just a little over an hour of your time, and it was totally free, you’d do it, right? Of course! Then sit down today, or this weekend, and watch Gregory Heisler from his appearance on our “Blind Critiques” episode of “The Grid” from this past Wednesday (posted here above). He just absolutely crushed it! I’ve already seen people on social media calling it our best episode ever, and you will be amazed at the way he communicates the how’s and whys of getting great portraits — it will change the way you think and shoot. Just brilliant! I say “Gregory Heisler for President in 2016!”

Two Tickets to Paradise!
OK, how about a chance to win a free ticket (for two lucky people) to my Salt Lake City stop for my “Shoot Like a Pro” tour? I haven’t been to Salt Lake City in about 10 years, and I’m excited about going (and catching lunch the day before at Crown Burger — I still remember it — it was that good!).

Anyway, I’ve got two FREE tickets (one ticket for two separate people). Just leave a comment here and you’re entered. I'll pick the winners on Monday. Good luck and I hope to see you there on April 14th (at the seminar. Not Crown Burger).

Here’s a quick video that explains the seminar (below):

OK, I’d better head over to the Convention Center. Looking forward to see a lot of you today (bring me some hot coffee and a blanket and maybe a snow plow!). ;-)

Have a great weekend!


P.S. If you haven’t signed up for the Photoshop World Conference & Expo coming up in 10 days in Atlanta, there’s still time. Here’s the link. 

  1. Hey, Scott, Montana is only about 6 hours away. Since we’re not close to any of the places you hold your “Tour” SLC is close enough! BTW, I made sure my daughter is at your Minneapolis class today. She is one of the 300. :)

  2. Heisler was just fantastic – though you guys owe me a new Macbook. I spit my drink all over it on when Heisler made his “streak” comment! :)

  3. Both my wife and I would love to see you again out west! It was awesome sitting with you in the CPS rest haven during ImagingUSA 2014 in Phoenix, so pick us…

  4. Scott, you should have kept this gloves you had in the 80’s! Bahahahaha! Just referencing that Photo your wife put up on Google+ yesterday!! ;-)

  5. Absolutely one of my favorite episodes of the blind critiques. Mr. Heisler makes me think practically every time he opens his mouth. Hope you guys have him again, and looking forward to the KelbyOne class with him as well!

  6. I have learned so much from following your blog and watching your podcasts. I respect you and your team for sharing your passion with the world. Would love to see you teach in person but money and time don’t seam to cross paths much lately.

  7. I would love to attend your event in Salt Lake. In the past 10 years there are many more eating establishments that you would love as much as Crown Burger. They are hard to beat though.

  8. I love that Heisler repeatedly called attention to the over use of pose. I got my latest portrait gig because the client noticed that my shots from a previous shoot (child’s portrait) were completely un-posed and she said I’d “captured (the subject) as she really was” – as opposed to the stiff or fake looking shots you normally get at a place like Sears. I’ve found that kids especially have the WORST smile-when-asked faces and most unnatural postures when told to sit/stand a certain way, and if you just hang out with them, and give the session time, you can capture the real smiles, positions, and the best expressions that happen only in real life context.

  9. Enjoyed your Shoot Like a Pro seminar March 28th in Minneapolis it was concise to the point. Heater packs kept me warm during my walk to the seminar. Next time your in Minneapolis for a seminar in the winter I’ll give you a few heater packs to keep the chill off.

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