I’m Giving Away an Apple iPhone!!! (and 10 signed copies of my iPhone book)

iPhone Book Giveaway

Wanna shot at winning a free Apple iPhone? Then enter my “Not so Subtle Promotion for my iPhone Book” Giveaway. That’s right, my friends, simply fill out This Entry Form, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win one of 10 signed copies of the book (I’m drawing one winner per day for the next 10 days), and then on the 10th day (Oct. 26, 2007), I’ll draw one lucky winner to win both the book AND an Apple iPhone itself. There’s nothing to buy (unless of course, you’re one of those instantly gratification people [like me] ,and you want to buy your copy of the book right now, from Amazon.com, or Barnes and Noble.com, or wherever cool iPhone books are sold). You may only enter once, but seriously, isn’t that enough? Here’s the Link to enter, and best of luck to you (and me). ;-)

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