Here’s the Interview From My Gallery Opening Last Friday Night

What a way to wrap up the year — a gallery showing of images from my coffee table book project The Great Indoors, which celebrates classic interiors from around the world, from libraries to opera houses, amazing cathedrals, theaters and more.

Kalebra took this shot right before the doors opened to the reception
Kalebra does all the staging for each gallery show, and I knew she was really good at it, but after seeing how she arranged my images so masterfully, I have a whole new appreciation for her art of sequencing. It made an incredible difference.

The wine and cheese opening reception was this past Friday night and we invited KelbyOne members to come and join us in the gallery, and afterward we went to our theater where the wonderful Larry Becker (just the best interviewer you could ever hope to be interviewed by), did an interview with me about the images displayed in the gallery.

We talked about everything from the travel to the techniques to sharing personal stories — it was so much fun, and we had such a great crowd.

We’ve been hosting these gallery showings for nearly two years now, and it was pretty surreal to be on the other side of it all, but I have to admit, it was really a lot of fun. The images all printed so beautifully (shout out to Bay Photo Lab — their Xposer system is a star! A comment I heard often about the printing is that they look like they’re printed on metal, but it’s actually all on a Vivid Satin paper material using a 12 color ink set. They have this down to an art, and it was an honor to have my images printed by them. I absolutely love how they came out!).

That’s Larry Becker doing his opening remarks for bringing me up for the interview.

I’m including the video interview here below. I hope you can check it out — I’ve gotten such great comments from folks who couldn’t make but either caught the live stream or watched it afterward online, and I’m so grateful for the reception it has received.

I’m down in Ft. Lauderdale today teaching my “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” seminar — my last for the year, and I’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends. If you’re at the seminar today, make sure you come up and say hi. :)

We’ll be posting the 2020 tour dates shortly, so keep an eye out here or on my social.

Here’s to an awesome week — I hope yours is a great one! :)


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