Today in the U.S. we celebrate one of our most popular holidays; “Thanksgiving,” which is a day for giving thanks for the blessings in our lives.
This is a day we usually spend at home surrounded by family, and we enjoy two key Thanksgiving day traditions: a huge Thanksgiving day turkey dinner (an example of which is shown above), and lots of American football on TV (there are three NFL games today!). Thanksgiving also signals the beginning of the Holiday season here (with tomorrow, the day after Thanksgiving, being the #1 shopping day of the year).
I truly lead a charmed life, and I have so many blessings and so much to be thankful for, but today I want to focus my thanks around this blog, which has become a part of my daily life.
- I am so grateful to everyone here on the blog who helped support “Springs of Hope, Kenya” this year and helped feed so many hungry children and build an Orphanage and clinic in Kenya. I’ll have a report on the construction progress next week, but you will be very proud at what’s been done, and how far it’s come.
- I’m thankful for everyone who has stepped up to answer questions posed by other blog readers. I can’t answer every question, and I’m so thankful there are people so willing to jump in there with answers (and I’ve yet to see someone post an answer that’s wasn’t correct).
- I’m thankful to everyone who let me know about a link that was broken, a word that was misspelled, or something I forgot, so I could go in there and fix it.
- I’m thankful to everyone who linked to my blog from their blog. When you work as hard on something as I do this blog, you want as many people as possible to be a part of it, and your support and exposure has meant a lot.
- I’m very blessed to have such a wonderful Web team behind me, including my designer Fred Maya, and my in-house crew Michael Ritchie, Tommy Maloney, and Aaron Westgate who all get involved from time-to-time in keeping this puppy up and running.
- I’m thankful to everyone who has stuck up for me, said a kind word, or came to my defense. It means more than you know.
- I’m very thankful for my friend Larry Becker, who gets up each morning, proofs my blog, (a job he took on himself just because he’s my friend), tries to make sense of what I wrote at 2:45 in the morning, and actually even makes the edits himself. Larry is a one-of-a-kind guy, and everyday I’m more and more thankful to have him as a friend.
- I’m thankful to everyone who has dropped me an email with ideas for things to be covered here on the blog. Those ideas have saved my butt more than once.
- I’m thankful for Vincent Versace’s idea to turn “No Blog Wednesday” into “Guest Blog Wednesday,” and I’m thankful for every author, instructor, photographer, and friend who has volunteered to do a guest blog post.
- I’m thankful to have such involved frequent commenters, who are always polite, always helpful, always have a kind word to say, and really add to the overall community.
- I’m thankful to everyone who stops by here, and spends a few minutes with me each morning. I feel very blessed to be able to do this blog, and I’m especially grateful that we’ve been able to keep the blog comments pretty much “without haters” and that means a lot to me.
Wherever you are in the world, whether you celebrate a day of thanks or not, I wish you and your family a day of warmth, togetherness, and peace. Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. Our offices are closed today and tomorrow, so I took these days off to spend with my family, so I’ll be taking tomorrow off from Blog Posting, too! So, I’ll hope you’ll join me back here on Monday.