You knew it was coming, and sure enough—it’s here. Photoshop CS4 is right around the corner (read Adobe’s Press Release here), and to give you the first look at the new features, we’ve launched two new online Learning Centers:
(1) NAPP’s Free Photoshop CS4 Learning Center
This public learning center, hosted by “The Photoshop Guys” (Matt Kloskowski, Dave Cross, and yours truly, along with RC and Corey from NAPP HQ), gives you a first-look at the new features of Photoshop CS4 with videos from the three of us, including an overview video, an exclusive video interview with Photoshop Principal Product Manager John Nack, a “Top-10” New CS4 Features article from RC “New Daddy” Concepcion, and a look at the new interface from Corey Barker. Here’s the link to this brand new learning center.
(2) NAPP’s “Members Only” In-Depth Learning Center
NAPP members can dive deeper into the new CS4 features with special in-depth videos on the NAPP members Website, from (you guessed it), “The Photoshop Guys.” Here we go more into actual training, and help to get your head around all the new features. So, if you’re a NAPP member, check out the public learning center (above) first, then head over to the NAPP member home page to go more in-depth.
You guys know how impressed I’ve been with how Adobe has been listening to its customers lately, and once you get to work with CS4, and see how many things they’ve fixed, streamlined, and just made better, you’ll know they are really moving in the right direction in a big way. My hat’s off to Adobe for taking things up a big notch once again.