Adobe Releases New Web-Based Image Editor; Adobe Photoshop Express

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]Hi everybody! I put together a special video clip (along with my buddy Matt Kloskowski) just for you guys who read my blog, to give you an exclusive first look at the just-announced Beta release of Adobe Photoshop Express, the new Web-based image editor).

WARNING: Before you play the video above, I want you to clear your mind of any preconceived notions that this is a version of Photoshop as we know it (so forget things like the Layers palette, and filters, and all that stuff). Although Photoshop Express does use some Photoshop technology, it’s designed to be a totally different experience (after all, it’s free), and it’s aimed at a totally different audience (18 to 22 year-old MySpace and Facebook users, who aren’t going to spend $600 to $900 to buy Photoshop CS3, or even $99 to buy Elements).

My buddy Terry White put it perspective for me. He said, “Imagine a kid going to his parents and saying “I need a hundred bucks to buy Elements to fix the photos I’m putting on my “MySpace” page.” Now you know why Adobe created Express, and who it’s made for.

That being said; because Photoshop Express has such great Flash-based online galleries, and you can post your images there for free (you get 2 Gig of online storage free), and put a web gallery of your work online today, with no Web experience whatsoever, I think we’ll all be surprised at how many serious shooters and pros wind up using at least part of Express.

So, clear your mind before you watch that video. Think “This wasn’t designed for me—I already have Photoshop—this is for my kids, and my neighbor’s kids, etc.” and remember—“This isn’t a stripped down version of Photoshop,” instead think; “This is a new online photo editing experience and community,” and if you do, I think you’ll be amazed, and surprised at what Adobe has been able to do. OK, now it’s safe to watch the video.

When you’re done, go check out Photoshop Express yourself (Here’s the link). Thanks everybody, and make sure you scroll down to the next post for free info on how to learn Adobe Photoshop Express.

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