Today I am the happiest camper in the forest, because Adobe has made me love my Apple MacBook Pro laptop again. They released a free downloadable plug-in for Photoshop CS4 which disables the trackpad gestures on Apple’s new MacBook Pro Laptops. No longer does my canvas rotate 40 or 50 times a day when I least expect it, and my document doesn’t zoom out to a 1% view 30 or so times a day.
No longer do I spontaneously string together groups of colorful adjectives, spoken at a high volume, as my blood pressure attains new heights. No today, there is nothing but love for Adobe, and now for my MacBook Pro as well. It’s a good day.
If you have been experiencing similar trackpad issues (which caused you to temporarily take on the vocabulary of Joe Pechi in the movie Casino), here’s the link to download the plug-in. Thank you Adobe. You had me at “disable.”