Apple’s iPad and Apple’s Secret Weapon


Like everybody else in the world, I was tuned in to Steve Job’s launch of the Apple iPad yesterday, and I have to tell you—I am incredibly impressed. My wife saw the video yesterday afternoon on Apple’s Website, and totally unsolicited she sent me a text that read “I want an iPad!!!!!!!!!!” (My wife so does not get geeked out by gadgets, so this is bigger than it sounds).

However, as expected within just a few hours of the announcement, some blog sites were already picking it apart, pointing out which features it doesn’t have, and what it was missing, and why it’s going to be a failure, and so on. Just like they did with the iPhone.

People were coming out of the woodwork to tell you all the features the original iPhone was missing, like no copy and paste, short battery life, no physical keyboard, no voice command, it’s geared only for consumers so no business users would consider it, it’s too expensive—there are lots of cheaper alternatives, and so on.

Of course, everything they said was missing from the iPhone was true, and you could buy phones all day long that were cheaper, had physical keyboards, longer battery life, voice control, and so on. But the iPhone didn’t become a success because of what it does. It because a success because of how it does it. People who only look at feature lists always, always, miss this. It’s not about features, or the iPhone would never have made it.

Matthew Lynn, a Bloomberg news columnist, said in a article shortly after the original iPhone’s introduction:

“Apple will sell a few to its fans, but the iPhone won’t make a long-term mark on the industry.”

He’s a feature counter, and he has lots of company. You’re hearing from a lot of them today.

They may as well comes to grips with it—-the iPad is going to be huge. Game changing huge! I haven’t personally talked with a single person yet who said they don’t want one. But that’s not why it’s going to be huge.

It’s going to be huge for a phenomenon that I’ve seen happen again and again, year after year. When Apple comes out with a new product, it always looks pretty cool when you see it in their TV ads, and on the Web,  but when you actually see the product in person at the Apple store, and you get your hands on it—you fall in love with it. Apple stuff just looks incredibly cool in person. It’s Apple’s secret weapon.

And if last quarter was any indicator, when the iPad ships, nearly 50 million (that’s right—-million) people will see an iPad in person at their local Apple Store in the first 90 days after it launches. Yup. This going to be huge!

By the way; if you think it should have had a built-in chat camera, or a phone, or run multiple applications, or have notifications, or cost less, or any thing that kept it from being as great as you thought it should be, don’t buy it. It’s that simple.

For a detailed first take on the iPad, visit Terry White’s Tech Blog (link). When it comes to Apple, Terry is absolutely one of the most insightful people in the entire industry, so it’s always great to hear his take on it.

Anyway, I can’t wait to get mine (and apparently, I’d better pick up one for my wife, too). :)

    1. I just went to the Mac Rumors forums that you listed and all I can do is laugh and wonder if anyone that was posting in there has gone back since to eat a huge helping of crow. The iPod changed how the World not only listens to music, but how it is obtained (iTunes). I get the feeling that there will be a lot of people backpedaling in the years to come once the iPad has saturated the market and evolved into its full potential.

  1. I’m a lot like your wife, I’m not into all that techie stuff and normally ignore your posts that are too techie. But, TODAY I was chatting with all the geeks (my brother and brother n laws and guy friends) all about the new iPad. I want one, too! I don’t have any sort of iPod or a Mac or anything cool, but a D300. The minute the price was released, I e-mailed it to my husband and said, “It’s mine.”

  2. I am definitely in the “future iPad user” corner: My laptop is an 18.4″ monster, which is impractical for comfortable blog and website reading while sitting on the bus / airplane / coffee shop / sofa. The Photo app looks brilliant, BUT you know what I would love to see on the beautiful iPad Screen:

    A App

    The idea is that you sync up your catalog and previews to a website, such as, and with a custom app on the iPad, you can preview, pick, reject your latest images. This would also be the ideal platform for client presentations, slideshows, etc.

    Sync changes back to main catalog and your done.

    Maybe I should patent the idea :-)


    1. Jonathan,

      I think stuff like that is definitely going to be coming out for this platform. Adobe already has developers working on iPhone apps so it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine something like you’re describing. I did a post this morning titled “iPad, a photographer’s friend” on my blog. Check it out for my ideas and add yours to the list.



    2. I see where one can hook up a camera and do direct import. I wonder if a app would be developed to shoot tethered. That would a BIG PLUS AND A BUY.

      But I will buy one anyway to show clients my portfolio. I will go, I think with the basic $499 and buy another when the 2nd gen. comes out


    3. This is the only thing it is missing for me, the ability to directly import my pics whilst traveling and do a quick edit on LR 2 or 3 (when out of beta) would be the thing that would make me go out and buy it straight away…as well as Kens comments about using it to display your portfolio I could see it being great for that. So handy to whip out and the resolution will be awesome!

      One issue though might be fingerprints! and processing speed on LR?

  3. I had the complete opposite experience today Scott. Not one person I talked to said they would buy one. Many people said they might buy version two. Not one person said they’d buy it today (which, oddly, you can’t do anyways; a big shift from Apple’s past announcement practices).

    I was thoroughly impressed, but still can’t imagine that many people buying one. It’s too big to fit in your pocket, so you’re not taking it anywhere you couldn’t take a laptop, but it doesn’t have the computing power of a laptop… I guess if you’re into the Kindle (and I don’t know anyone who is, but apparently a lot of people are), this is only a commensurate step up in price, for a boatload more features, so that’s very cool, but the batter life, by comparison, isn’t terrific. That bezel is completely hideous.

    BUT, there is one thing that would get me to buy this, a feature I haven’t seen talked about anywhere. If someone were to write an app so that I could plug this into my camera and have a 10 inch, ips live-view, I would go absolutely ape-shit and buy this immediately. Scott, I know you know developers, and I know you love to produce stuff that helps photographers, so here’s my gift to you. I bet, if you wrote this app, you’d sell one of these to a serious chunk of photographers.

      1. Am I blind? I didn’t see this mentioned anywhere on Terry’s blog. In passing, i saw he mentioned tethering to review shots, but I didn’t see anything about live view.

        Focusing, composing, and checking live histograms on a 10″ display would be a wet dream.

    1. OnOne Software’s DSLR Camera Remote should work on day one, as all previous apps just work (with pixel doubling). It would require a PC connected to the camera, but you would get a portable live-view display. The pixel doubling will go away once the new SDKs get out and people re-compile their apps to handle the large pixel count capabilities.

      Send a suggestion over to OnOne that they somehow make this solution on the iPad standalone. This app rocks on my iPod Touch.

    2. I was thinking about this whole DSLR tethered thing over lunch, and it came to me…

      The Apple iPad has WiFi (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth, and offers GSM/EDGE, etc. They are also building an accessory to cable them together! As far as I know all the DSLR cameras have a USB port, and maybe a $700 option to add WiFi (w/o 802.11n support).

      I am pretty sure that Apple iPad isn’t the one with the connectivity issue! Go beat up Canon and Nikon.

      BTW: If you don’t want to be locked to AT&T for 3G, go buy yourself a MiFi on the Sprint, Verizon, etc. network, and connect over WiFi.

  4. I got mixed feelings but I’ll end up buying one anyway while I’m in the US. However I think the future applications will decide ultimately the outcome and I know the developers will do well. I have the iPhone 3GS and I love it due to AppStore and iTunes, without it I would probably never even considered buying it, the same concept goes for the iPad.

  5. Hey Scott. You’re a “photoshop insider” right? Have you heard anything from your contacts at Adobe if they plan on creating a lightroom app for the ipad? Right now that’s the only thing that’s keeping me from buying one, instead of a new mac book pro. I’d appreciate if you or any of your readers can get back to me about this. Thanks

  6. No phone included wiht the iPad? No problem… Apple announced they’re enabling VOIP with the iPad. And the iPad comes with speakers and a microphone. Want to make a phone call? Get the iCall app. It’s free.

    This is part of Apple’s genius: bundling features into new devices to create new markets. Ever tried making a phone call on your Kindle? Or reading an eBook on your iPhone? (you can do it, but not for long). I agree with Scott; the iPad will be big.

  7. I think a lot of people miss the reason why the iphone was so successful. It was sold for free under contract. People could get the coolest technology in return for paying a slightly higher phone monthly contract! The phone companies subsidized the sale of a cool mini-computer. Without this subsidy/credit scheme, I’m not sure how many would have sold at $699?

    Signing up for £10 extra a month on your phone contract is a little different than shelling out $500 in a lump sum..

    Given this.. I still think it will be successful, although nowhere near the scale of the iphone/ipod

      1. Even higher! Original iPhone 8GB cost $599 and 4GB iPhone cost $499 at June 2007 launch. Apple dropped the price of the 8GB to $399 in Sept. 2007 (and dropped the 4GB model).

  8. I have to say I’m leaning more towards the “this is what it doesn’t have” side. I have an iPod touch and I love it. I also have a macbook and I am not impressed. The iPad to me just seems like an overpriced netbook. 64Gb or storage? 10″ display? 1GHz processor? how do I connect a mouse to it? How do I load CS4 onto it? Sorry, but I’d rather stick with my Dell mini with 160Gb HDD, 2Gb of RAM and the ability to have dreamweaver, Photoshop, IE, iTunes and a game all running at the same time. Oh and that’s for half the price.

    I will however keep my iPod touch. Now THAT is one of the greatest gadgets ever invented.

  9. Personally, my heart is saying “I want one now!!” and my head is saying “Wait and see”. I waited until the iPhone 3G came out before I committed to getting one, even though every time I went past a shop, that had them in, I went in for a “play”.

    I use my iPhone daily, obviously as my main phone, but also for surfing the web, watching videos, listening to music and texting. My main complaint for surfing and watching video was the screen was too small. I was always saying to myself “I wish this was bigger”. Seems my wishes have come true, but not in the way I expected.

    I look forward to getting my hands on one, then I will decide.

  10. It’s interesting but it reminds me of an overgrown iPod Touch. It will probably be big but it’s not a netbook killer by any means. If someone figures out a way to shoot teathered to it with my Canon cameras I’ll buy one.

  11. So, Scott, you’re going to carry an iPhone, a MacBook Pro, and an iPad? To paraphrase Roy Scheider, I think you’re going to need a bigger bag.

    It’s a great product, but unlike the iPod or iPhone, the iPad doesn’t provide any unique functionality (other than iBooks, perhaps). Two years ago, the MacBook Air was going to change what everyone carried, but we don’t hear about that much now, mainly because it was merely an improved form factor for an existing experience. The same holds for the iPad. Granted that the Air costs more than many Macbooks, but the iPad costs more than a Touch or a subsidized iPhone.

    The connectivity and multi-tasking limitations of this product are shocking in the year 2010. Not understanding how users interact with social media and streaming music apps while using the web is ridiculously out of touch. The technology blogs and their comment sections are widely panning this product, and rightly so.

      1. Yeah! It´s always a solution.
        But i suggest another one : ARCHOS 9 PCtablet. $499 too.
        Specs ?! Well, look :

        * 8.9” LED backlight
        * Intel® ATOM™ Z510 1.1GHz Processor
        * 1 GB DDR2
        * 60 GB Hard disk – 1.8’’
        * WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, 1.3MP webcam – 2 stereo speakers – microphone.

        IPad, It’s a great product, but this version isn’t for me, maybe 2nd Gen (2011 ?!).


    1. Software will evolve, hardware and price is the show at this moment. We will get multitasking. And users like us (heavy software running all the time) do not fit in the MacBook Air market. Just because I dont like Coca Cola, doesnt mean its a failure and no one buys it.

  12. I think people are trying to see this as a laptop replacement. It’s not. It’s an iPod Touch on steroids.

    It is a presentation device. I see it as an excellent way for a photographer to show his portfolio. It’s a great way to check e-mail without going to the desktop machine. It’s a relaxation device that allows you to focus on a single book, movie or game.

    I believe Steve Jobs knows what he’s doing. Would I love to have a camera on it to take stills and video? Certainly. Would I love for it to support Flash? Certainly. Would I love for it to support multi-tasking? No. That’s not it’s true purpose. If you are multi-tasking, then you are working. For that you need a laptop.

    1. >I think people are trying to see this as a laptop replacement. It’s not. It’s an iPod Touch on steroids.

      Absolutely! Its still pretty cool and useful. I know a lot of people who don’t need full OSX and all the apps, they just want to surf the web, do email, calendar. As you say, iPod Touch but bigger.

      As for running Lightroom (or anything close to processor demanding apps), ask yourself what OS and hardware/Ram HD you’re using now and consider what even a 32 gig machine, running basically iPhone OS would provide in terms of performance. An LR lite (really, really Lite) or the iPhone version of Photoshop OK. But heavy lifting? My DNG’s from my 5DMII are each 20mbs. That on a 32 gig machine? I don’t see doing very much on the iPad with these kinds of images.

    2. Agreed Phil, not a laptop replacement. Where I see this fitting in is as a device to take with me out of the studio/home instead of my laptop. For longer trips I would carry my MacBook, but for shorter ones (like everyday errands, work, school) I wouldn’t have to.

      I could even see using it at home at the same time as my laptop. Imagine Lightroom going full-screen on two monitors and the iPad on the table for web, email, etc. You wouldn’t have to command-tab back and forth.

  13. Thank you Scott for putting it so clear and balanced. Just an hour ago a friend on facebook was doing exactly what most of my friends (most of them apple-maniacs!) did: rattling about what it doesn’t have and what other products do for a smaller price. While observing those comments, the only thing I could say was that to me it was more about HOW it works than so much about all the things it can (or should) do.
    In fact, I think it would be a great portable portfolio.

    By the way, great to hear you’re coming to Holland! I’ll definitely try to b there!

  14. I don’t know. Personally, there’s no “wow factor” there for me. It’s pretty much just an oversized iPod touch with a little extra processing power. Don’t get me wrong, I love my iPhone 3GS, but I really can’t see a reason to have my iPhone and an iPad. Jobs was quoted as saying “this is the most important thing I’ve ever worked on” and I really don’t think the end product justifies this.

    I followed the announcement yesterday and read the articles and spoke to some friends; I had only found 1 person who said that they would get one before reading this here. Everyone else I spoke to was rather unimpressed. I think Apple dropped the ball on this one. (And honestly, iPad? I liked iSlate so much better lol)

    And on a slightly different note, I don’t understand the whole e-reader thing. Obviously people are buying them (you see the numbers everywhere, and my girlfriend works in Borders, so I know they sell a decent amount of them), but I do not know a single person who owns one, or have I ever seen someone using one anywhere…

    Just my 2 cents

  15. I guess what I was hoping for was a tablet like the Wacom Cintiq tablet running Mac OSX. That would be great for graphic artists and photographers, but clearly Steve Jobs is aiming at a much larger market in e-books. I’m really not interested.

  16. I think there are features missing that I’m disappointed are not there but the biggest issue, in my opinion, is that once again, Apple has locked into AT&T for the 3G service. Where I’m located there is no signal/connectivity with AT&T (not just my opinion, I’ve wanted an iPhone for the last couple years but even the closest AT&T store recommended against it as the service in my area is so poor) and I’m NOT located in the middle of no-where. Why Apple continues to lock their products to only one provider is beyond me. I think the iPhone and the iPad while successful, would be even more of a game changer if more people were able to use their product. As it is, the success of the iPhone and now the iPad is directly tied to another provider, namely AT&T. Or maybe I’m just jealous that I can’t have one!

    1. I wouldn’t say “locked in” to AT&T. All iPads will be unlocked meaning that you can use them with any compatible service. And even if you decide to got with AT&T, the plans are month to month meaning you can cancel anytime.

      1. You can if other carriers start supporting the microSIM card, which the iPad uses. Smaller than a standard SIM card. And, at least in the US, the other major GSM carrier is T-Mobile, whose 3G service is incompatible with AT&T’s, so you could only use the slower EDGE.

    2. I didn’t know AT&T STILL has exclusive rights to iPhone. A few months ago, here in Canada, Apple made iPhone available through several providers. I can’t wait for my current contract to expire to get an iPhone.

  17. I want one, and I know I’ll want one even more like Scott said “…when you actually see the product in person…” Apple gets you every time with this because they are so good with UI design and user experience — and not to forget their product design. I’m a bit shocked STILL that Adobe hasn’t really embraced these devices, the “brushes” app demo is cool, but I’m wondering why a powerhouse like Adobe wasn’t up there showing off a app they’ve been working on instead?! Probably too busy finishing up CS5 LOL No, really.

    Another thing I found rather interesting is how freaking cool (or the future) would it be to show your portfolio for a job interview on one of these?! Lay it out in InDesign, place a few nav buttons and export out an .epub since the device is capable — sounds like a RC Kelby Training course is in the future no?..hahahaha Just think if it blows up and Apple allows you at some point to have your portfolio in the iBook, iMag store or whatever in the future, like some sort of community section. This device is the future in my opinion and I’m very excited, I also think laptops will take this form over time as well.

    1. I do agree with you to an extent, I love Flash & use it, BUT Apple is a very forward thinking company, sometimes maybe too forward thinking, but I’m sure they are not supporting it because Flash is on its way out, Javascript & HTML5 are taking over. YouTube and Vimeo is in the process of dropping the Flash format, others will follow shortly.

    2. Don’t hold your breath for Flash on the iPad (or iPhone), it’ll never happen. Apple is a known Flash hater, for a combination of technical and ego reasons. And they’re right about Flash not being the best way to deliver video on the web. Which is why I’m hoping like hell that the few Flash sites I visit often advance their technology and switch to H.264. Imagine having Scott, Matt, and Joe in your briefcase or pants pocket whenever you needed them. Wait…that didn’t come out right…

    3. I agree about Flash support, but I don’t think it will happen either. But HTML5 is becoming more widely adopted and it has built-in video support. It is already replacing Flash as a way to embed video on several sites (YouTube). I’m hoping that Safari for iPad will fully support the HTML5 standard.

      1. Exactly. HTML5 is the future, and looks great. Until Adobe revises Flash to be less of a resource hog and security risk, it probably won’t show up on iPhone or iPad.

      2. What’s great is that Apple Inc is a contributing editor of the HTML 5 spec, so it would look really bad if they blocked a portion of the standard just to control their walled garden.

  18. So Scott – while you’re picking two up – make it three and send one out to me ;-)
    I LOVE my iPhone, I can only imagine how great the iPad is going to be.

  19. Hmm. As gadget guy, sure I would like to have one as you can never have too many toys. But as many have pointed out, this does not make me want to immediately go for it – there are just too many issues ‘missing’. No multitasking or camera, missing flash support and the usual proprietary solutions from Apple make me say no thanks at this point.

    But once I see that in store, I might still go for it. does this make sense? My wife knows the answer…

  20. My wife also phoned me yesterday to say, “Have you seen iPad? I WANT ONE!”. She too is VERY anti-geek.

    I think iPad is a glorified iTouch. However, if some of the ideas come about that are suggested here in the comments, this could be VERY cool for the photographer.

    For sure it would be a great portable portfolio for the photographers. Meet the potential client at Starbucks where they could view a slide show or view the images interactively.

    I wonder if it could replace the laptop for the travelling photographer? Is there a USB to attach a flash stick or portable hard drive? Will Lightroom be available as an app? If not, at least it pass time on the airplane or transit by watching a movie, reading a book, or playing games. Then again, that is where my netbook comes in handy… at least on the plane. The bus?… not so much.

    The price is affordable which is great. I think most people where expecting it to be priced at $1000.

  21. I agree with you Scott. I was an IT professional for 20 years before I became a photographer. I’ve worked on every iteration of the Windows OS since the old 386 version. About 1.5 years ago I switched all my Windows based devices to Apple because the best graphic, photography, and music production software was really on the Mac platform. I even switched my wife over.

    Since that day, we have not had ANY problem, blue-screen like death, failure, loss of data (though we certainly back everything up twice) or useability issues. ZERO, NOTHING, ZIP! The Windows OS was my bread and butter. But working with it was more like a wrestling match than a concerto. My wife is very happy with her MacBook Pro and also wants the iPad. Whenever I ask her if she’s still sold on Apple and why, her answer is invariably “Yes! Because it just works!”.

    Beneath all the hype is a quality product and a strong base of satisfied customers who can be productive without jumping through all sorts of hoops to make it happen. Windows now only exists in an isolated virtualized session on my MacPro, for those apps who haven’t yet seen the light. My old Microsoft colleagues, no longer take my calls. :-)

    1. what is this “best graphic and photography” software out there that only works on Mac? I have CS4 on both and I can honestly say that my PC laptop with 2Gb of RAM works just as good (somewhat slow) as it does on my macbook with 4Gb. And the PC has an older dual core pentium processor as well.

      Like I said before, i just don’t understand why apple is so against giving people what they asked for. Everyone has been saying give us a netbook version of the macbook. something in the $500 range. And they give these people this?

  22. I think the iPad is really nifty, and I don’t think people realize what a big deal it is to have an IPS panel for the screen. (it’s bigger than you think).

    But still, not even a USB mini port? with all of the data we accummulate and store on external drives? I think that’s a huge oversight. How can I watch all of the DVDs I’ve purchased over the years and ripped to a hard drive for convenience sake? How can I view the terrabytes of images that I’ve already accumulated? by setting up a wifi network in my house? maybe.

    I think many of the iPad’s capabilities are genius, but I’m willing to bet that iPad v2.0 will be a much better product.

    I still use the original iPhone (love it) but I HATE HATE HATE having to use an adapter for non-apple headphones due to the recessed port. Guess what. Everyone else hated it too, and it was fixed in the next iteration of the iPhone. I think iPad 2.0 will be a much better product.

  23. Hi Scott, I’ve been reading your blog daily now for almost a year and a half and nothing you’ve said has ever made me feel compelled to leave a comment until today. This recent Ipad stunt has deeply disturbed me on several levels.

    I feel that you are wrong in simply dismissing its serious flaws in exchange for some mystical not so new way of experiencing the same content. How can you put no multitasking and lack of flash support in the same category as built-in camera or memory card slot as if they were some unnecessary “feature” you could live without. Multitasking is a HUGE part of any computing “experience”. It’s part of what makes us human! (even robots and convection ovens can multi task now for goodness sakes.)

    If Apple’s idea of ENHANCING my experience is:

    1.) limiting me to the 25% of online videos and games online that don’t use flash.
    2.) wasting my time with all of the little extra overpriced, non-standard cables and adapters I’d have to buy (and forget to bring…and buy again…) just to plug in a damn flash drive or view a picture from my phone.
    3.) screwing up my video experience with their 4:3 ratio iSuck screen
    4.) pixel doubling. seriously? I’m having flashbacks of the magnifying glass addons for my gameboy color (which atleast had some real buttons!)
    5.) that bevel…goodness…it looks like a giant ipod touch digital picture frame, which btw also have buttons and memory card/USB readers.

    I have a Palm Pre and not an iPhone because I NEED multitasking, and while I’m not some business man who needs his crackberry every waking moment for businessy things that the poor little iphone can’t do, it’s pretty nice to be able to do these seemingly basic things:

    1.) help my sister when she’s lost by looking at Google Maps while talking to her
    2.) have a web page and document and email and IM open so I can refer back to them when working on something on the go. etc.
    3.) take a picture of myself and send it while talking on the phone to my girlfriend who lives in another state (don’t get any ideas people ;)
    4.) pause a game to answer the phone or respond to a text
    5.) tether my phones 3G connection to my laptop which is allowing me to write this email and still answer incoming calls.

    the list goes on an on, and this is only my phone! (PS- the ipad can’t do any of these)

    Even the cheapest netbook can run circles around my Palm Pre. The actual hardware of the device, no matter how aesthetically pleasing, is what makes the “experience” possible.

    so, in summary, the ipad is Apple’s latest scheme to oppress the masses with their DRM and closed content, one app at a time, single file, unoriginal, overpriced, button-less hybrid ebook/digital picture frame/featureless netbook.

    I feel bad for you Scott if you really think you’re getting something good here. This is a subpar excuse for what the iTablet should have been. The people who are disappointed are so for a good reason. Try to be more than a fan boy here and see through the smokescreen to the reality that not only is Apple building DRM into their content but now into their products. We cannot allow this to happen. The iPad is a crippled sorry excuse for any of the things it is masquerading as (netbook,tablet PC, ebook reader, digital picture frame.)

    No thanks. iDissapointed.

    PS- I’m a Computer Engineer. Linux FTW

      1. Scott,
        I’ve been reading your blog daily for well over a year now and have always enjoyed it and valued your opinion and insights. But your short one-liners “Then don’t buy one” are dismissive and insulting. I thought this was a place for people to exchange ideas and thoughts but you seem to take criticism of this thing personal. At least your repeated “Don’t buy one” comment comes across that way.

      2. You know. This one was actually pretty detailed and well reasoned. It’s kind of insulting to just post “then don’t buy one” – You may be a ‘Photoshop Guy’ but you sure ain’t no ‘technology insider’…

      3. To Frank:
        I know what you really want me to do is defend what I wrote, but I never said that you should buy one. I didn’t recommend it, or encourage people to buy one. I just said I’m buying one. That’s all.

        No product is for everyone. If it’s not for you, I’m totally cool with that. Besides, I put a smiley face at the end of my comment. :)


    1. Reading your first 2 paragraphs makes me believe you live under a rock. The most popular device in the world today (2010) is a singletasking device, and guess what, that will change later on with version 4. So, don’t make it sound like it’s a show stopper thing, because it ain’t.

      A few more things to note:

      -It’s a 4:3 device because you will read a ton on it. You don’t want a 16:9 ratio, that will be awkward.
      -4 out of the 5 things you do on the Pre, I can do with my 3GS. It seems you didn’t have an iPhone before the Pre. BTW, my two friends with PREs, have and spend more time in their iPod Touch.
      -You are the only person calling it overpriced… seriously?
      -DRM? That’s in the past.
      -People who are disappointing should make their own hardware and software, this is Apple’s product, no one else. Whoever buys will make the most of it.
      -Apple and Google has the key to kill Flash, and I hope they do.

      Scott, that latest book you made available with a DVD, you can now embbed those videos on the content itself and sell it on the iBookstore.

      Everything is a tool, and not every tool fits every need.

      1. This seems like a solution without a problem.

        As an e-reader its more expensive, bigger, heavier, has (comparably) terrible battery life and an inferior screen (for e-reading) than other e-readers

        As a portable computer it’s equally priced, but far less capable than other laptops

        As a portable internet device it is too big to carry everywhere with you without being cumbersome, and less capable than smart phones which already fulfill this purpose, are much smaller.

        I’m not really sure what need this tool is trying to fulfill.

    2. Blake, I agree with you. I’m totally unimpressed by the iPad. I love my iPhone for the most part, but yes there are things I don’t like about it but I’m willing to be somewhat forgiving with it because overall it’s a nice convenient piece of tech that fits into my pocket. I can’t be forgiving on a huge device that I have to actually carry around just for it’s features or lack thereof.

      No flash?? 4:3??? no stylus?? only 1080 resolution??? No multitasking?? Welcome to the 90s!!

      I love Scott’s blog and love what he has to say and 100% respect him and his opinion however I disagree with him completely on this one. Can’t wait for his “iPad sucks” post in April lol (jk scott)

      1. Chad,

        This might seem a solution to a `problem` it didn’t exist for you. I know we all want products/devices that change our life and be joyful about them. For some, the iPhone was this device, for book lovers the Kindle hit the spot, and for others the iPad will be.

        Nice chatting.

    3. Blake –

      Wow! Um, I hope you write your politicians with the same zeal and passion over what you feel are their shortcomings.

      Guess I’m a sucker, cuz there’s already a piggy bank waiting to be cracked open for an iPad (as awful and terrible as it is).


      Have a nice day!


      ps. How would technology ever evolve without a ver 1.0 of anything? I would think a “Computer Engineer” would get that.

  24. Meh. Way too much money for not enough stuff. I don’t have a regular-sized iPod for this very reason. And when my shuffle break, I’ll probably get a Sandisk Sanza.

    I think there’s a big cultural divide on whether everything apple does is amazing. Creatives (like pro photographers and videographers) love Apple’s products. But go on Lifehacker and other such sites that are mostly tech nerds and you’ll hear about how iTunes is broken and other little niggles with Macs.

    I’m not rich like Scott so I’ll be buying lenses, software, and upgrading my main computer before I shell out money for the iPad.

  25. The interesting thing about the iPhone is that Apple (presumably feeling market pressure) did move very quickly to address the “missing features”. Within three months they had knocked $200 off the price. Barely six months after release, they announced a version with 3G and GPS. Within a year they were supporting enterprise email and third party apps.

    Had they not done so, Apple probably would have hit a roadblock after the rabid fanbase had had their fill. Why do I say that? Because if the original version was really fine and dandy, then Apple wouldn’t have moved so quickly to correct these things (especially that price drop).

    The problem with the iPad isn’t just a case of missing features though, it’s that even after Steve Jobs’ presentation I’m *still* not sure what the use case is. It’s an iPod Touch that’s too big to fit in your pocket… Or maybe it’s a netbook without a keyboard and can’t play 90% of the internet video out there (which is flash based).

    With the iPhone, even if you thought it was a flawed product it was still obvious why anyone would want one – it consolidated two mobile devices you were already carrying into a single device, and as a bonus, threw in the ability to access the web anywhere. By contrast, was anyone really sitting around wishing they could consolidate their iPhone and netbook into a single device?

  26. I’ll probably get the iPad (still wish that it was called an iSlate) – but will wait until the second generation to do so – let someone else work out the bugs. I don’t have an iPhone, but I do have an iPod Touch (which I purchased to use for my senior thesis work – honest!) I live out west and, frankly, AT & T cellular service out here sucks (can’t complain about their landline service, though, far superior to Qwest).

    As a student, the iPad will be easier to lug around than a netbook, which I have and find hard to use (keyboard too small to type a lot, need two hands to effectively use trackpad & buttons, battery life is pathetic). The Touch is too small for use, IMO, in a classroom environment. However, if I can sync the iPad to my Mac and download Keynote presentations to be used in the classroom; have the ability to take notes and then upload them later; and can get my textbooks – in color – on the iPad? I’m there.

    But only with the second generation of the iPad. Never buy 1st generation Apple anything…

  27. Nice story, and I like the form factor – you’re right about their industrial design look and feel.

    If these smaller apple devices could display flash based content, I’d already have one. (probably an iTouch – my cellphone is totally paid for…)

  28. Scott,
    I think this is going to be huge for someone like me. I do photography and graphic design as a side business and don’t have a nice studio to have my clients come to for proofing. My first thought when I watched the video yesterday was, this would be awesome for showing proofs to my clients. I can meet with them in person at their home and they can hold this thing and flip through their proofs. The screen isn’t huge, but I think it will be plenty big and bright for looking at proofs. I gotta have one!!!

    I do hope that they incorporate flash playback into Safari though. That is my 1 gripe about my iPhone.

  29. In my opinion, it looks like a ipod touch on steroids. Still without Flash for web browsing and no mutlitasking?!? A a4 chip that is actually pretty old technology. No real way to download applications and install them like you can a real netbook. They compare it to and want to compete with netbooks, but really it is not even in the same category honestly. Atleast with netbooks you can run more than one app, download programs and install them normally without relying on itunes and the app store for EVERYTHING.

    Dont get me wrong, I am a Apple guy and all I use s Macs. This product is premature and will not hold a market place against netbooks. Apple needs to get off there high horse and let flash be installed on the iphone and the new iSanitary napkin.

  30. I think that a lot of people are disappointed because they had built up the image of what the tablet could be before the announcement. The iPhone was revolutionary, the interface blew people away (just like the iPod did originally). The iPad has some revolutionary interface aspects. But probably not enough for all of the tech bloggers. I was a little disappointed that the homescreen is just iPhone OS stretched across the screen. Not that I was expecting full-blown OSX. Maybe a hybrid of the two?

    Watching the live event, it appears that the only way to sync is to connect to another computer. I hope they support auto wifi/bluetooth syncing in the future.

    Multi-tasking. Apple already allows this on the iPhone. You can listen to music through the ipod app while surfing the web, whatever. They are just controlling which apps you can multitask with. I would love to be able to listen to and surf the web, for example.

    If they can repackage iLife like they did iWork, man this will be a great product.

    1. I think you hit the nail on the head. I personally, am a huge Apple fanatic, but I had bigger hopes for this device and since it doesn’t meet my expectations, I won’t buy it. Doesn’t mean the device sucks or the end of the world is near. Just means, that I am happy with my iPod Touch which does most everything the iPad does. But in the grand scheme of life, I am just disappointed that the hype didn’t deliver for me personally this time around. I still love Apple, but I am going to save my money for a Verizon iPhone (fingers crossed it happens this year).

  31. So Scott… how’s that new iPad book coming? ;-) I think it’s pretty cool… a really big iPod Touch with some more stuff to it.

    I think this will be a great way of showing a portfolio! Like having 9 inch transparencies on a really thin light table. It’ll be easier than showing images on a laptop!

  32. Scott, there’s a great post by Adam Pash (editor) on Lifehacker: He talks about how Apple continues to offer a closed system for developers that doesn’t really make for innovation. It’s definitely worth reading. I personally own 2 (working) iPods, and iPhone, and a MacBook – so I’m no Apple hater by any means…but their app store approval process and locked down devices are really started to bother me. But, hey, if you want it, you want it…and I still sort of want it. But on the fence at the moment. Enjoy the read.

  33. I totally agree with your point about HOW it does it rather than what it does.

    I was never been tempted to own a Mac until the iPhone when I thought about getting one in order to write apps for it. The iPad will probably be bigger for apps so now I have to get all three!

  34. I don’t think Apple is given enough credit for what they are accomplishing here this truly is a huge product, seriously… I can see millions of uses for this as an example imagine this:
    say that you are going to pick up your new Photoshop CS5 for digital photographers book and as you turn the page to where nomally would be a link you manually have to type to get to some website featuring SK! tadaa! Scotty is waiting for you in an embeded video. Sweet no down time no lag stright up awesomeness. Or how about this? Your clients are coming to your studio and they are wanting to review the proofs and instead of a physical book you hand them an ipad! Wouldn’t that be awesome? Or if you prefer bigger pictures use the ipad as a remote for a projector or wahtever!
    Or how about if you wanted to pick up a big account ant they ask to see your portfolio you pull off your messenger bag tadaa! The ipad with those glorious apple slideshows. I know that some of these things are a bit y’no but hey…
    I know this would be huge for salesmen like me! Long live the ipad I wants one!!!

    1. I didn’t want an IPhone but I got one about a year ago and it’s great! I can’t believe I waited so long to get one. If the IPad turns out to be anywhere as good then I want one.

  35. So, if I understand this correctly… Everybody is all up in arms over an overpriced proprietary/locked less-than-a-PC thingamajig with a cool name and good looks with pretty underwhelming specs for 2010?

    Apple – the new snake oil… their buyers – Lemmings.

    I know, I know, Scott Kelby… “Then don’t buy one” – I won’t.

  36. WOW! Mr. Jobs, I am so sorry the 75 million iPhone/iTouch users that support your new technology and ground breaking design are perceived as idiots by so many close minded folks. The unrest your new product has created among the “yeah, but my laptop can do that” or the “a netbook is better” crowd will really never get it – after all they are the real buying public who just wants to multitask all day while they chat on the phone so they can feel productive. But hey, I think the idea of a device that I already feel familiar with that could be used for so many different things (for a slightly higher price than a Kindle), such as read books, type notes, sync with my MacBook Pro (yeah, we have laptops too folks), take advantage of any one of the 140,000 apps, use on my house wifi to surf the web casually, etc. etc. etc.

    Sure, the iPad doesn’t appeal to everyone…the bottom line is that it is a device that appeals to users that will take advantage of what it does well. I think the iPad is one of those devices that can revolutionize the casual online/digital experience…if you want to WORK, then by all means use your computer. If you want to make a call…then pick up a telephone. However, if you want to play a little, read a book, watch a movie, play a game, goof off with an app of your choice, then use the iPad.

  37. Hey Scott, I was sade to discover the iPad wont’ do flash. I was hoping it would for the simple fact I love my subscription to which is flash based. Any chance you plan on converting your content so it’ll be viewable on the iPad? Long time fan, Sean

  38. The Ipad looks great. What really sucks is the fact that ebooks and prbably other contents too is not avilaible in my home country (almost only available in the US). We have had the same situation for a long time not being able to by TV series etc on Itunes. No wonder Apple Norway sell zero Apple TV’s.

    At the same time I can buy a Kindle and get instant access to 350.000 books immidiately.

    Why does Apple show so little interest in markets outside the US?

  39. My first thought about the iPad: what a great portfolio tool…imagine whipping one of these cool gadgets out for a client and flicking through your best photos, all glowing in backlit LED glory…

  40. Easily your most petty post ever. Too bad. I could easily change the worst paragraph to:

    By the way; if you DON’T think it should have had a built-in chat camera, or a phone, or run multiple applications, or have notifications, or cost less, or any thing that kept it from being as great as you thought it should be, buy it. It’s that simple.

    Bottom line is springing the apple v. the world debate here doesn’t help me take better photographs, nor is it the reason I tune in daily.


    1. Todd, you use this site to learn how to take better photographs? This is Scott’s blog, were he can talk about anything he wants. He has other sites were you can better learn photography. I get the feeling that you’re just not an Apple fan who doesn’t like that others enjoy their products.

      1. Joseph,

        Thank you. I am aware this is Scott’s blog…ostensibly to talk about photoshop and photography. I am not disputing his right to talk about whatever strikes his fancy, but he is one that is always above the petty apple v. the world fray that permeates so many other blogs. I would say the same thing if he made a similiar post in the equally rediculous Nikon v Canon argument.

    2. Todd:
      I didn’t mention any other product. I didn’t mention Mac vs. anything. I just said I thought it was going to sell a lot, and I was going to get one.

      How is that petty? I think just the mere fact that I mentioned Apple at all made it petty to you. By the way, how are you enjoying that MacBook Pro or yours? ;-)

      Now, this reply. This. That was petty. ;-)

      (Just having fun—don’t read anything more into this). :)


      1. Scott:

        Good to see you missed the point entirely. For the most part, I had no issue with the post, in fact your youthful exhuberance made me laugh. The “petty” part was this – which I alluded to in my reply –

        “By the way; if you think it should have had a built-in chat camera, or a phone, or run multiple applications, or have notifications, or cost less, or any thing that kept it from being as great as you thought it should be, don’t buy it. It’s that simple.”

        This does nothing more than inflame the whole inane Apple v the world argument that, quite frankly, I’m tired of, which you are too judging by your follow up Q&A – if your sincerity is to be believed.

        I don’t have a Mac pro…no money to burn, however, Bruce Springsteen is kicking it ion my iPod Classic 80Gb!


  41. Actually the thing that was left out of the presentation but is discussed online, is their little dongle that allows you to attach a camera. Roll the calendar forward 12 months and you’ll see every photo studio in the country with one of these devices. We’ll all be using them to shoot tethered, edit on the fly, and sent rough shots straight to the client. It will revolutionize the studio.
    Add some form of document sharing / control, and the camera guy will control the shot from the ipad, make rough notes on how they want it processed, and have the file transferred wirelessly to the PS backroom where the eager technicians will make the edits.
    If I had spare cash, I’d fund this business. The iPad and photographers are about to be inseparable.

    1. That might have been true if they had added some kind of pen capability. Hell, you can’t even use a mouse. I don’t know about you, but I can’t do fine work with a pointing device that is only accurate to within 113 pixels. Oh, and by the way, none of the software you would use to do that, including the software that allows you to tether, can be run on this device. BTW, it’s based on the ipod OS, which meas that you can’t name pictures or organize them or batch delete them without hooking it into a real computer.

      1. And also, it doesn’t have a USB port. Where exactly were you planning on plugging that camera in?

  42. Though the iPad is introduced as a product, it’s actually a working “prototype”. Apple’s product roadmap for the iPad is several revs away. Throwing in this iPad version is part of the process to test it (while earning revenue from it). It’s a revision product also aimed at “hooking” early adopters into throwing in their opinions about it. This way, the feedback becomes an input to the requirements of the next version before it gets released. In fact, the sleek look and feel of the iPad (and it’s mobility) all came from the Mac Air and the iPhone. So if this version’s features disappoints, wait for the next rev and it will surely be closer to what pundits and naysayers expect it to be…cheers!

  43. Great concept but not enough there to get me excited.. yet. If this had wacomesqe pen for retouching photos, an sd card reader for swapping photos/storing media and a more modified OS (that allows more than iphone apps) I would be all over thing thing in a heartbeat.

    Right now I have my MBP for on the go work and an iPod Touch for lounging around checking emails/web, I just don’t see this being a part of my current setup. Now for my parents who only email and send photos this would be fantastic!

    1. Basically, you have just described what everyone was hoping for when they got all excited about an apple tablet. The fact that it is not any of that is why the internet is so disappointed.

  44. I’m surprised you like the iPad so much when your portfolio is based entirely on Flash…which the iPad doesn’t support.

    Nor does it support multitasking…so no more running Safari and Photoshop at the same time.

    1. You can’t run photoshop on it. iPhone OS. (I don’t count the mobile version, it’s very stripped down, as expected from something made for an iPhone screen. But I don’t expect there to be a big screen version, not with how apple treats adobe and the pricing in the app store.)

  45. Scott

    If I could read your books, Photoshop User and your seminar and Photoshop World handouts on the iPad, it would make me get one ASAP. Please consider electronic distribution for NAPP’s magazines and handouts in addition to the print versions. The seminar and Photoshop World would, of course, be available only to attendees. The ability to access Kelby Training on the iPad (which is a given) will be icing on the cake.


    1. Accessing Kelby Training is not a given, since KT runs on flash, and the iPad can’t run flash. If you go there all you will get are blue lego bricks where the lessons should be.

  46. I agree with Dave. If this could support a Wacom like product where you could edit right on the device, or link to your Mac and use it like an editing tool then this would be easily worth the price. Either way I think the apps that come out for this machine will really be the thing that makes it useful.

  47. I am definitely going to get an iPad. I can just see myself showing my photo portfolio as well as my photo slideshows on the go to my clients and at the same time present Keynote presentations with the iPad. Only sad thing is that there is no confirmed date of when it will launch in my home country.

  48. Void claims the lack of the USB port is a problem. He(?) ignores the iPad’s dock port—which is just like the dock port on the iPhone, iPod Touch and every iPod since the 2nd generation(?) model. The dock port carries all of the signals necessary for USB amongst other things.—Just like it does with an iPod.

    And look here, Apple’s even announced a camera connection kit:

    Sorry, I can’t do all the work for you—you’ll have to navigate to the bottom of the page, to the iPad Accessories section, to read the details.


    I see a “use case” (yes, even a “business use case”) for the iPad that fills a niche somewhere between my iPhone and my MacBook Pro. I go lots of places where, for various reasons, I don’t want to drag a laptop (plus AC adaptor). In fact, I had a perfect use for just such a device this past weekend. My girlfriend had a hoop dance gathering and we were having dinner with some of the other hoopers afterwards. I enjoy going along for the hooping (and photo op), but also would have liked to spend some of that time writing. (Had I been able to do that, I’d be linking to an essay now rather than hastily jamming my thoughts into a comment stream!)

    I “could” have dragged the Mac Book Pro along but, particularly when added to the weight of my (smaller of three) Domke bag, it just felt like “too much” for a social occasion. Yes, I can write (and have written) on the iPhone, but for longer works I find the review/edit/rewrite process on the small screen to be too cumbersome. It isn’t well suited to my way of working—never mind one’s personal experience with the keyboard. (For me the keyboard really isn’t the major obstacle.)

    I’ve been considering a “Hackintosh” netbook for some time, but as The Angry Drunk put it (and I am paraphrasing a bit, but not distorting his message) I don’t need “a full OS X instance just to browse the web, read a book, draft an email or write a blog post.” [] Like Darby (The Angry Drunk), I am a Mac support professional so another instance of Mac OS X isn’t such a big deal—but it is one more potential time soak. Particularly an unsupported OS X instance—one that I would (presumably) need to spend valuable creative time “hacking”

    I would add “do a presentation” and, (hopefully, someday) “light photo editing/processing” to the above list—but the latter is hardly a deal killer as, most days, I make do without this capability when I leave the laptop at home. I guess that’s really the crux of my use case. My laptop is not my “friend and constant companion”—it’s a desktop computer that I sometimes, often reluctantly, lug around with me. This reluctance may date back to my first “luggable”—a Macintosh Portable—and the resultant and permanent “pain in the neck” that it combined with with various text books for gradute school, left me with. This is me. Others wouldn’t consider leaving home without their laptop. Good for them—I just hope they age more gracefully than I did. (And please don’t crowd the restaurant table with your “deck.”)

    If the iPad does most of what I think it will do for me, and assuming that (light?) versions of a couple of mission critical desktop apps are forthcoming, (this might bite me in the rear but I suspect the market will deliver) I won’t be replacing the MBP with a newer model anytime soon—opting instead for a big screen iMac sitting on my desk and the light weight, non-multitasking, non-Flash enabled iPad for my field work—along with the recreational uses. Yes, I’ll keep the MBP “just in case” I have cause to lug a full-fledged computer into the field with me—for example, on longer trips when I might “need” to do use Photoshop or do some heavy-duty Aperture work or for client visits where I’m likely to need my own Macintosh.

    Smarter (or at least more articulate) minds than mine have weighed in on this. I would suggest that “doubters” read the essays from Steven Frank and Fraiser Spears that I’ve linked to below.

    Steven Frank:

    Fraser Speirs — Future Shock:

    You don’t have to be convinced by their arguments, but you may find food for thought. Just because the device doesn’t do anything “new” (arguments along this line are largely semantic anyway) doesn’t mean that it can’t be revolutionary. It’s not about the technology, or the bullet list of features—present or missing. It’s about what we do with the device and the ways, big or small, that it changes (and hopefully improves) our lives and workflow.

  49. WOW!!!

    What a list of comments. How hilarious. I think it’s so funny that people can get so worked up about this. I think it looks awesome…and as I’m not a Apple freak, I think it would be totally cool to have one. Here’s how I see it, Apple has created a NEW product. They didn’t try to reinvent the Tablet PC, or a notebook, or a phone, or anything else. I think they’ve created a new product much like the iPod put mp3 players on the map. Here’s how I see me using mine if and when I get one.

    Think of it on the Kitchen counter, or coffee table, almost like an amazing resource sitting right where you need it. You AND YOUR KIDS can control your Mac’s from it, and surf the net, and figure out what and where you want to go that night. I think it’s gorgeous. Seriously imagine having one in a studio as your clients come in, and they flip through your portfolio, or see samples of Leather Craftsman books. I don’t understand why Scott gets so much flack from his normal faithful readers. Don’t kill the messenger!


    PS…I for one, really laugh and love your little comments at the end of people’s extremely negative posts. Such a simple answer, and so true. Great post Scott!

  50. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the ipad over the past few days. I’ve fallen in and out of love with it a few times. All said and done, I think I for one will be buying it. I don’t personally have a Mac of any sort. No Mac Book, iMac, iPhone or iPod Touch. I have a phone for calling people, and a Nikon for shooting. I look forward to (albeit, basic at first) photo editing apps and programs for the iPad. Even if I take a step away from complainers and make it myself! This blog is the one that helped me make up my mind,
    “any thing that kept it from being as great as you thought it should be, don’t buy it. It’s that simple.”

    My thought exactly Scott. If you find the iPad leaving a “void” of unhappiness in your life, live with out it.

  51. Wow, some people can get furious about apple products, my goodness…

    I think the iPad will perform really well. It is exactly as it was described in the keynote, more than an iPhone, less than a Mac. And that’s really good. If it’s too large for you, get an iPhone, too small, get a Mac. Or a PC.

    And I don’t see any of the problems above:
    – There are already “wacom-like” input devices available, like e.g. the “pogo stylus”.
    – With an Eye-Fi card, you wouldn’t even need that USB-Adapter, just send the pictures over the wireless.
    – What’s that talk about not being able to sort your photos? Hello, we’re living in the 21st century, is anybody still actually thinking in hard-drive-based folders?? Lightroom anybody? Smart folders?
    Someone will create an App, that’s it. I propose an App that allows for tagging and initial corrections and just pushing the pictures into your Dropbox then (if you don’t know what Dropbox is, well… just check it out). Your Lightroom at the office has the Dropbox set up as an auto-import-watch-folder and Bob’s your uncle.
    Eventually, Adobe might calm down from being face-slapped with flash and develop an App by itself. Apple will sure as hell provide it’s own Aperture-App.

  52. Apple had the chance to revolutionize the market and tap into the professional digital photographer market with this but no, they failed, and utterly at that. No CF/SD for one, and that’s major. It is totally unacceptable. How on earth would one develop Aperture Lite so you can view, lightly edit, keyword and tag and seamlessly sync with Aperture afterward. I for one am not interested in sacrificing battery battery to transfer images to this thing in the field.

    Saying this though, it will take off like the iPhone. Not based upon its features or lack thereof but more upon its developer following and here we will see a huge increase in APP’s. If camera manufacturers take this on board it will become a useful tool.

    At present, it doesn’t really offer anything. This should have been the ultimate Modbook.

  53. Hey Scott I won’t make any comment about is the iPad will be a revolutionary as the iPhone, but I wonder if we could use the ipad as one of the EPSON photo viewer, What do you Think? If it work will be awesome when we have a shoot with a client, it should be great way to show a preview of images to the them… Hope the iPad help us as photo viewer…what do you think about?

  54. If and when I can run Photoshop and use it like a Wacom tablet I’ll buy two. How ever I’m willing to take bets that as in Apples history there will be version 2 and 3 within a year. Add ons like touch, usb, camera and more…. Well one can only hope!

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