Backyard Birds with Scott Kelby, Erik Kuna & Rick Sammon | The Grid Ep. 511

Backyard Birds with Scott Kelby, Erik Kuna & Rick Sammon | The Grid Ep. 511

This week on The Grid, Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna are joined by one of the show’s favorite guests, Rick Sammon! Rick shares all about photographing backyard birds, and as always, has plenty of wisdom and fantastic tips for getting great photos in any situation.

New KelbyOne Course: 10 Exercises to Spark Your Photographic Creativity with Dave DeBaeremaeker

Break out of a creative rut with a series of exercises to boost your creativity! Join Dave DeBaeremaeker as he shares, demonstrates, and illustrates 10 exercises to that will help you master your gear, gather ideas, and learn the benefits of limiting your choices. By the end of the class you’ll be able to put these exercises into practice toward expanding your own creative efforts!

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I’ve got a free online course for new photographers that I think could help you a ton