Cast Your Vote For The Photo Walk “People’s Choice” Award

It’s official: The Voting is open, and you can see all the winning photos (and cast your vote for your favorites) from Photo Walks around the world, right here:

Voting closes this Friday at 12:00 Midnight EDT.

Good luck to all the local winners! :)

  1. One thing I noticed is that a lot of votes are on the first page. I wonder what would happen if the listing was randomized? People may not want to go through every page to vote fairly.

  2. Man oh man there are a lot great captures. I think the ideal of randomizing is good ideal the thought going thru 1000 plus great captures and then voting is over loading my brain at best.

  3. Once again, this was a great year for our Fort Lauderdale Photowalk.
    I’ve seen all the images from the other locations, and I’m sure it will be really hard to pick a winner.
    Thanks for all your organization.

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