TODAY ONLY: Get The Digital Photography Book for $3.50!!
Hey gang, Brad here with a quick update. We just found out that for TODAY ONLY, you can get Scott’s bestselling The Digital Photography Book Vol. 1 for just $3.50 from the Barnes & Noble Nook store!
Scott is a Photographer, bestselling Author, Host of "The Grid" weekly photography show; Editor of Photoshop User magazine; Lightroom Guy; CEO; struggling guitarist. Loves Classic Rock and his arch-enemy is Cilantro. Devoted husband, dad to two super awesome kids, and pro-level babysitter to two crazy doggos.
Would be interested to get the Kindle version for this price.
:( It were print I would have bought a whole bunch for the kids I teach at my kid’s high school photography club. I don’t think any of the kids have Nooks.
Kind of misleading. It’s eBook! I want to get paperpack! If it were onsale at this price, I would buy a whole bunch and use it for gift as well. too bad.
Have to agree very mis leading I also run a school photo club and would be great but kids dont have nooks Is there a version they can down load to the pc and read on the computer sort of like a nook app? for PC
OK whats the deal webpage say $3.90 but when you click to buy says $10.39 anyone else see this or am I missing something ( wouldnt be the first time I missed something )
Would be interested to get the Kindle version for this price.
Just placed order. :) Nice discount.
Right to my Nook Library. Thanks!! :)
It ain’t worth it.
(it’s worth a whole lot more)
:( It were print I would have bought a whole bunch for the kids I teach at my kid’s high school photography club. I don’t think any of the kids have Nooks.
Kind of misleading. It’s eBook! I want to get paperpack! If it were onsale at this price, I would buy a whole bunch and use it for gift as well. too bad.
Well, I think price are reasonable but I use to prefer e-book. So, is there any option for e-book of this version then please let me know.
When will vol. 4 come out ?
Have to agree very mis leading I also run a school photo club and would be great but kids dont have nooks Is there a version they can down load to the pc and read on the computer sort of like a nook app? for PC
Yep nook for pc can download and read iton your PC ( answered my own question )
OK whats the deal webpage say $3.90 but when you click to buy says $10.39 anyone else see this or am I missing something ( wouldnt be the first time I missed something )
Yes. The website has changed the price to $10.39 now.
My bad. Scott did mention that the price was only for 10/24.